Well, that’s all the cars nicked for Stevie – all 30 of them. One was a little tricky as it was parking in a police station car park – next to a policeman. Managed to escape having shot the cop before stealing the car though.
And then it was on to races for Brucie. Could I find a decent car anywhere though? No . So I turned up in this rubbish Mondeo-alike only to find a starting lineup of Infernuses. So I tried “cheating” by blowing the cars up as we pulled away from the line. Sadly, that abandons the race. As does popping the tyres before the flag goes up. And killing the drivers. Luckily, even in Infernuses, they drive as slow as you – so I beat them in the end without resorting to anything less sportsmanlike. Tch, eh?