Since last time I posted, this has been the game I’ve spent most time on. In fact, aside from Cave Story and a few iOS titles, it’s the only thing I’ve played. And I’ve played it lots. Still playing the same game, almost daily, nigh-on two months after release? That’s value for money – even if I did pay over £60 for it.
What have I done since my last Fallout post then?
Lots of things, actually. I’ve been and mopped up all the damage and health related achievements, for one (or 6) – 10,000 points of damage for each of melee, energy weapons, explosives and unarmed. Most of it was done “off save”, as in, I made a save then wandered round Camp McCarren (and Jacobstown) at night critical sneak attacking everyone, then after the achievement popped, reloaded.
For the melee one, however, I stuck to my main save proper and cleaned out Cottonwood Cove and The Fort using only a machete. Ace!
After all those, I continued on my main save looking for Star Caps. I’m up to 36 now, although I did deposit 8. I don’t know if these are now “used” or if they’re still technically in my inventory though. My exploration for new areas led me to Vault 34, which gave me a quest that I completed.
There’s new DLC for New Vegas next week. I don’t think I need it yet! My main save is 62 hours in, but I’ve spent well over 20 hours on alternate saves, and there’s still LOADS left to explore!