Yes, I know it’s not considered to be a great game. And I know it’s less than an hour long. And yes, I know it’s very, very easy. And I’m aware of how the graphics are a bit odd and how the viewport is too small and that the controls aren’t as tight as most Mario games. I know all this.
But it doesn’t matter because Yoshi’s Story is the most god damn happy game ever made and if you don’t grin from ear to ear for the entire duration you play, frankly you are dead inside and have no soul.
And I’ve just completed it on the Wii U, via the Wii. Because my daughter told me to. And it was great. So there.
Baa! Ba-ba-ba baaaa! Baa! Ba-ba-ba baaaa! Baa, ba-ba-ba baaaa, ba-ba-ba baaaa ba-ba-ba baaaaaaaaa!
The page was turned and the Yoshis grew happier.
the game is way more worthwhile if you play the harder routes, esp. since that requires you to find the special hearts. the harder levels are pretty fun in general.