Ah, I know how to play this, i thought. I would surely be able to remember the puzzles. Since I’d played it a lot on the Spectrum back in the day, right? Wrong.
Because this, which is the NES version, is different! Sure, it’s similar to what I remember – although it would appear I don’t remember much of the specifics anyway – but there are different puzzles and items! It’s like a new game.
Fortunately, it also appeared to be easier than the original Spectrum version too. Yes, you still only have the one life (and I did use save states, sparingly, to avoid having to replay all the puzzles again), but somehow the solutions were more obvious. Maybe it’s just because I’m An Adult now and my brain works better?
Anyway, after finishing it with 27 of the 30 coins needed for the slightly better ending, I spent ages looking for the missing three. In the end I had to look up two of them, as it seems the bees aren’t baddies that kill you after all – two of them give you coins, Tch.