Even though I owned this for the duration of my time with a 3DS as my primary form of handheld video gaming entertainment (it was free because I was a 3DS Ambassador), I never actually played it on there. I also have the original, for the GBA, which I did complete at the time (EIGHTEEN YEARS AGO!?) and very much enjoyed it, so no idea why I never played it again. Until now!

It’s another one of the GBA games that has appeared on the recently-released Nintendo Online Game Boy Advance service on the Switch, and so I thought I’d go through it. Mainly to see why so many people complain about it being rubbish. Spoiler: I couldn’t see why so many people complain about it being rubbish.
OK, so perhaps it’s very easy. Not one of the bosses was difficult, none of the dungeons had very tricky puzzles, I never died, and it wasn’t hard to figure out what you’re supposed to be doing at any point. But is that a bad thing? Is it just because I’ve played a lot of Zelda games in my time (and probably subconsciously remember some of it since last time I played Minish Cap)? Does it stop it being happy and fun? No, no it does not.

I forgot to check how long it took to complete, but I’m going to guess at about 15 hours or so. It didn’t feel that long, as I constantly felt like I was making progress and so zoomed through it. It looks incredible too, even blown up to however many inches my laughably oversized TV is compared to the tiny Game Boy Advance SP (or possibly even Micro) I played it on originally.