deKay's Lofi Gaming

Gaming Diary

Animal Crossing: Wild World (DS)

Rodeo is still ill, so no-go with the prism shirt still. Kabuki is after a skull shirt now, so I ordered one, and Bluebear wants yet more furniture, so I ordered that too. Crazy Redd was about again today, and had a Perfect Painting for sale. I bought it, not realising I already had one. Bah. I also found that you can’t actually tell if it’s fake if you’ve already donated one – Blathers just says “lets not consider which …

Prey (360)

More working my way through this today, but only a couple of levels. I was a bit wrong about the levels getting shorter, as I got stuck on a stupid exoskeleton-shuttle flying bit for ages as there was no clue as to what I was supposed to do, nor where I was supposed to go. Tch. Anyway, sorted it, and finished with the silly flying bits (for now, at least) and moved on to more indoors bits.

Animal Crossing: Wild World (DS)

Still can’t give Rodeo his prism shirt, as he is now ill. He’s probably got mad cow disease or foot and mouth or something. Stupid animal. Gave Kabuki a purple tie-dye shirt, and Bluebear more modern furniture, and then went and talked to all my other animals. Kody is trying to move out now. What is it about me? Almost every day one of my animals is trying to leave. Tch. At 7pm the fireworks started again, so I went …

Prey (360)

Played quite a bit now, and got past rescuing Jen (only for her to be kidnapped again), did some flying around in a vehicle thing, which was odd, and faught what could be considered a few boss battles. I’m on level 14-ish now, and the levels do seem to be getting shorter and shorter – just like Amped 3 and Tomb Raider: Legend. Is this a 360 game trend? Had some more play online too. The lag was slightly better …

Prey (360)

I’d hoped to fly through a few more levels on this today, but it took over an hour to do just one. This was mainly due to me getting stuck and having no idea where to go for ages, before finally realising the puzzle was somewhat easier than I’d expected and so moved on. The freaky ghost kids are scary, aren’t they? Also played online for a bit, but couldn’t even get into a ranked match, and the lag in …

Animal Crossing: Wild World (DS)

Rodeo still wouldn’t ask me for his prism shirt he wanted, which is a pain as I’m sure I’ll forget what it’s for and sell it accidently when doing my daily buy-clothes-and-sell-them thing. I’m doing that to get all the clothes I don’t yet have, but I’m sure I’m buying mostly duplicates. Bluebear wanted yet MORE furniture today. I didn’t have any, so had to order some. Kabuki is still here, although I’d half expected him/her to vanish overnight…

Prey (360)

It was cheap (from PlayAsia), so I bought it. I do like it, as it’s a bit different to other FPS games, due mainly to the portals and gravity-altering thingies. I’m up to Chapter 7 or so now. I haven’t had an especially difficult time yet, not least because when you die, you don’t actually die – you have this minigame where you shoot down bat things to get health back. As you do. I just wish Tommy (the hero) …

Animal Crossing: Wild World (DS)

Again, Bluebear was after modern furniture. There’s no space left in her house, though. My wife came over to visit, bringing a prism shirt for me to give to Rodeo, but Rodeo wouldn’t ask me for one! Gah! Instead, he kept telling me he loves me, and wanted to hear me tell him I loved him too. The freak. Not much else was happening in Cheese today. Kabuki is trying to move out again – that’s the third or fourth …

Animal Crossing: Wild World (DS)

The him/her that is Kabuki is still in Cheese, so he/she didn’t slope off anywhere. It asked me for some clothes today, so I gave it some, and was told I was “actually quite cool”. Well, of course. Also after clothes, were Frobert and Rodeo. Frobert took any old crap I had, but Rodeo still wants the elusive prism shirt. Bluebear wanted even more modern furniture, so I gave her some. Kody is finally better. He’s been ill for weeks, …

Animal Crossing: Wild World (DS)

Crazy Redd actually had some stuff I wanted to buy today. Picked up a nice painting, although I now realise I have’t checked to see if it’s a fake or not, and also a well, since I hadn’t seen one of them anywhere. Bluebear was after even more furniture today, so I obliged with a modern sofa. Rodeo is still looking for a prism shirt, but I still haven’t seen one in the shop. Kabuki is trying to move out …

Outpost Kaloki X (360): COMPLETED!

I completed scenario 14 with just one minute to spare. Hurrah! That turned out to be the last scenario in the Adventure Story, and so I got the completely hatstand end of game sequence, and then it was all over. Well, all over except for the other scenarios, of course. I tried the Survival scenario, and got a Silver time of 14:36. I’m betting a Gold time was 15:00. That’d be about right. I then had a go on a …

Animal Crossing: Wild World (DS)

Didn’t play for very long again today – just enough to talk with my animals, make sure no-one had moved out (they hadn’t), give Bluebear even more furniture, buy some clothes I didn’t have already (and gave a shirt to Frobert), and do some weeding. Caught a few insects too, but it seems I already had them all in the museum. Tch.

Amped 3 (360): COMPLETED!

Rather fittingly, the game kind of snowballed to a finish. The mountains got smaller and smaller, the number of things required to be done to progress the story became fewer and fewer, and then, Act V lasted all of about five minutes. But the ending was GENIUS. I won’t spoil it, but it was a Giant Musical Finale. And the very last “thing” you have to do is suitibly epic, complete with epic music and stuff. Aces.