deKay's Lofi Gaming

Why Sega should just give up and die

When I got my Megadrive in the early 1990s, it was for one single game – Sonic the Hedgehog. I’d played it often at the local game shop, and didn’t just want it, I needed it. Once I had my own Sega console to play it on, I was hooked on Sega games. In fact, for a good decade or so, I loved pretty much all of Sega’s major-title output – I suppose I was a Sega Fanboy (although Mario …

Assorted 360 Demos (360)

Four game demos tested today. Three were new on the downloads and the other has been there a while but I haven’t played it until now. Anyway – the games! Battlestar Galactica:Crap. It’s basically the same game as Wing Commander Arena, which was also crap (and by the same people) with slightly different graphics. Rubbish. Guitar Hero III:AMAZING. But then, that was obvious, yes? Exit:Would be great if it ran at least three times faster than it does. What idiot …

Sonic Gems

It seems I unlocked Vectorman without trying, and without playing anything, to start with. Didn’t choose that first though, instead playing Sonic the Fighters, which isn’t great. I never played it in the arcade, but I think it is based on the Virtua Fighter game engine, or something. Played through as Sonic, relishing punching Tails in his stupid bloody face, but was defeated by Nack, who has a gun and so I can’t get within a mile of him. Sonic …