deKay's Lofi Gaming

Super Princess Peach

After waiting almost TWO MONTHS, and with Royal Mail losing the first delivery of this game, it finally arrived today. So I played it a bit. It’s pretty good. The graphics are a lot like Yoshi’s Island on the SNES, and it’s all cute and bouncy and everything. I’ve played through all of World 1 up to the boss, Petey Pihrana. Who you have to kill in an almost identical way to in Super Mario Sunshine. Didn’t manage to kill …

Nintendo Puzzle Collection

Another game that arrived today. Well, collection of games, at any rate: Puzzle de Pon, Dr. Mario, and Yoshi no Cookie. Played all three with my wife this evening. There’s a few problems with running it on PAL Gamecube with Freeloader, in that some of the Japanese text appears as gibberish (no, real gibberish), meaning I can’t read it even if I could understand the Japanese. Puzzle de Pon was probably the best of the three. It has a new …

Rayman DS

What a poor game. The pre-PS1-era visuals don’t exactly help, but the collision detection, pop-up, clipping, low quality textures and awful camera basically kill it. That, and the fact it was almost half an hour between save points – not good for a handheld game really, is it? I set about the first level – well, the first bit before the first level and the first level itself. I knew Rayman DS was just a port, but I didn’t realise …

Leisure Suit Larry: Magna Cum Laude

I’d played an hour or two of this filthy, shallow, repetitive, addictive Xbox game before Christmas, and decided to make it my next game (after Paper Mario 2) to play. It’s, er, a little different to Paper Mario 2 as well. Chatted up Ione for a bit, and found the cognac she was after (a drunk hip-hop tramp had it, of course), and played quarters with her. As you do. Beat her, but she wasn’t up for much “more”, so …