Bioshock (360)

As I was leaving Neptune’s Bounty on the way to the submarine, I was told I hadn’t harvested or rescued all the Little Sisters in the area. I hadn’t actually seen any, so I had no idea where they were. I looked around a bit and found a couple more Big Daddies (who were pretty easy to kill with my grenade launcher thing) with Little Sisters in tow. Rescued them both, but forgot to “buy” anything with my Adam. Oh …

Bioshock (360)

Sometimes a game comes along which is great, but I don’t actually play it because I feel I have too many other, shorter, games that I should be getting out of the way so I can play it uninterrupted. In some cases, those great games just never seem to get played at all – I still haven’t really started Zelda on the Wii yet, even though I’ve owned it for the best part of a year. For some reason, I …

Bioshock (360)

It would appear that not only was Monday a “new game day”, but today was too! Both this and Phoenix Wright 3 for the DS arrived from Play Asia today. I didn’t play Bioshock much, as I’m concentrating on Super Paper Mario at the moment, but I wanted to make sure it worked since it’s the NTSC-J version that Play Asia are selling. Imagine my horror when it didn’t work. I put the disc it, it started to load, and …

Bioshock (Demo) (360)

Oh. My. Word. This has to be the best looking console game ever made. Nothing I’ve seen (not even Oblivion) comes even close. The attention to detail, the water and fire effects, the style, the smoothness – everything. Amazing. And the game? Staggering. It’s fantastic. If this isn’t voted Game of the Year, then either the demo isn’t a representation of the full game at all, or people need their heads seeing to. The setting (a 1950s underwater city) is …