On the topic of speed cameras

On my way into work this morning, there was one of them mobile speed camera vans on the side of the road. That particular stretch of road has a 60mph limit, but due to the lorry a few vehicles in front, no-one was going faster than 50. In fact, very rarely can you go 60 there anyway – and certainly not at that time in the morning. So why then, did one of the cars in the convoy decide, presumably …

Tales from the Future #1

I was having a discussion with someone over IRC today (his name is Mal Franks, and he is Wrong), with regards to HD film formats, and it escalated to me predicting the future for technology in general. As is common, I’m sure. So profound were my statements, that I thought it best to publish them here so that in ten or twenty years time people can look back at what I wrote and say I was better than Nostradamus. Or …

Brown’s new budget

At first this may seem to be a bit of a departure from the usual sort of blog topics I post about here, but hold on – there’s a pay-off… So yesterday saw the new budget plans by the government. As usual, the “nasties” got a tax rise (that’s fags, booze and fuel), but somewhat surprisingly, income tax dropped. Sort of. Of course, it depends on your tax bracket and stuff, and other rises may counter anything you might gain …

My blog, from 10 years ago

Ten years ago, blogging didn’t exist. Well, it did, but not in any way the same form as it does today, and certainly the term hadn’t been invented then. And who would want to read a load of rubbish about what you did today and stuff? Well, in 1997 I found a program for my Amiga called, I think, Captain’s Log. It was a simple journal program where you just type stuff and it timestamps them. You may recall that …

New Year, and stuff

And so begins 2007. I’m not the sort of person who makes resolutions, for several reasons. Firstly because too many resolutions are simply not going to be kept. You say you’ll do it, and you don’t. Secondly, why start a new year in order to give something up or start something new? If you want to stop smoking, just stop. Or try and stop, anyway. Don’t wait until New Year to make a start. Finally, there’s nothing I want to …

Let the Tony Hawk worship begin!

Tony Hawk’s Project 8 for the Xbox 360 is here! I go months and months without a Hawk fix (since I’ve completed every other Tony Hawk game), and then I get Downhill Jam for the DS last week, and now this. It always amuses me when I get 360 games from Play Asia, as you never know which region you’re going to get. This one is Australian!

Viva Pinata: Giving children nightmares

If you’ve been reading my gaming diary, you’ll know I got a copy of Viva Pinata for the Xbox 360 this week. It’s the same sort of game as Animal Crossing and Harvest Moon, and is written by Rare. It’s also very cute. There’s a TV cartoon series to match too, so it’s clearly mainly aimed at kids. Which is why I bought it, obviously, since I am a child. Or not. Anyway. It’s very child-friendly for the most part. …

What you need to train as a MCDST

Whilst browsing the Home Learning College website, looking for training courses, I found one for a “Microsoft¬¨?Ü Certified Desktop Support Technician”. OK, so it’s not what I’m looking for, but the thing that struck me about the course was the machine the guy in the picture was using. It’s a MacBook. Certified Desktop Support Technician Course