I’ve just entered the Twilight Zone

There I am, having a conversation with someone on IRC about them knowing someone called Andy who works in IT in a high school, then I mention that I’m one, and I know three others and one in IT at a university: [18:12] deKay: *another* Andy that works in a local high school?[18:12] deKay: Preposterous[18:12] rachel|laptop: yes, my friend andy that works as an IT tech in the local high school, freaky isn’t it?[18:12] rachel|laptop: almost beyond belief[18:12] deKay: 🙂[18:12] …


It seems I have a slow puncture. Not only that, but I have a tracking problem causing wear (and possibly the puncture) on both front tyres. So here I am at Kwik-Fit whilst Davey gets some new wheels. I don’t think he likes being up in the air like that, but at least he knows there’s something in it for him…

RIP James Langmead

James Langmead (or Jim, jimlang, or jil depending on how you knew him) was a regular poster on the newsgroup comp.sys.sinclair, World of Spectrum, assorted other retro gaming forums, and chatter on IRC Spectrum channels. He also set up and maintained Speccy Spoilers (currently down), a site which archived Spectrum game endings for people too crap to complete the games themselves. Or something. I’ve known him, as much as you know anyone online, for almost 10 years, mainly through comp.sys.sinclair …

It’s my birthday!

And I’ve reached the Grand Old Age of 19*. Hurrah for me! I’d actually forgotten it was my birthday this week. Although I tend to forget pretty much every year, it always confuses me as I always remember my sister’s birthday which is just two days later. Isn’t being senile great? *For large values of 19.