Sonic 3 & Knuckles speed run

I found this video recently, which I watched in disbelief. The number of times I’ve played this game. The hours put in. And yet, I never stumbled across any of the massive game breaking bugs exploited here to get such an incredibly quick completion time. I think I’d struggle to do just Sonic 3 in 45 minutes, let alone Sonic 3 & Knuckles. Mind you, I’d struggle to contain my lunch if I was forced to play as Tails…

Skyrim Louis Letrush bug

After stealing a horse for Louis Letrush many hours ago in Skyrim, I noticed half-a-Louis near the stables outside Whiterun. He seemed to be stuck in the ground. It was odd, sure, but this sort of thing is reasonably common in games like this. However, a few hours later I was walking past Whiterun again, and, well – watch.

Lego Batman 2: NEED!

I know a lot of people thought the original Lego Batman was the weakest of the Lego games, but I think it was awesome. And because I think that, it is fact. This looks even better though! Apart from the voice acting. Not too sure about Lego games with voice acting yet…

Need: New Tony Hawk game

Let’s pretend that Ride and Shred never existed, yes? Because, really, they didn’t. It was all a horrible, horrible dream. Now that we have erased them from all of time, let us instead look at Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater HD – the second best thing that could ever happen(*). A remake of levels from THPS games, in HD. On XBLA. Yes. NEED. * The best thing would be a 3DS compilation of THPS1-4, but this’ll do for now.

The wheel turns again

Which wheel? The Sonic Cycle wheel, of course. I will not be suckered again (you know I will) after the disappointment that was Sonic 4. And Sonic Colours. And two versions of Sonic Generations. I think that word pretty much sums up Sonic games these days – disappointment. A single play of the Sonic 4 Episode 2 trailer already shows some obvious problems. Firstly, most importantly, and most obviously – Tails. Gnnh. Just kill him off already. Then there’s the …