The Wonderful 101 (Wii U): COMPLETED!

A concerted effort over the last few days has paid off, and I’ve managed to complete The Wonderful 101! I really enjoyed it. It’s mental, but it’s so much fun to play. OK, so the number of times you fight the same baddies is perhaps a bit too high, and drawing Unite Morphs in a narrow or enclosed space is sometimes a little tricky, but there’s just too much to love about it. It’s so bright and happy, with plenty …

The Wonderful 101 (Wii U)

I’ve not played this in quite some time, mainly because Mario 3D World happened. For the last couple of days, though, I’ve been back on it to try and finish it up. Not that I dislike it and want it over with – not at all – more that I do like it and think it’s only fair to finish it off before I forget about it and move on. Previously, I’d reached some point in Mission 005, and since …

The Wonderful 101 (Wii U)

So I fixed it. Deleting the game from the hard drive and redownloading it, somehow, fixed all the control issues. No, I don’t know how. Now, I can draw whatever Unite form I want and it works every time. And it’s a good job too, because it turns out when it works properly, the game is awesome. I’m able to dodge or block attacks now. I don’t have to spend half my play time fighting the controls. I’m really enjoying …

Games I’ve been playing recently

Another roundup! Woo! Animal Crossing: New Leaf (3DS) I’ve played this every single day now for more than four months, and you’d think it’d have grown old by now. But no – I’m still finding new things to do. Being October I’m collecting Spooky Furniture, and this week I managed to pass Gracie’s 4th and final test so she’s now opened up a store inside newly renovated T&T’s. Excellent. Luigi’s Mansion 2 (3DS) Still in the Clock Tower, but have …