Assorted Xbox Demos (360)

Demo catchup time again: PDC DartsCrap. But with amazing northern loons doing “commentary”. NBA ’09Crap. You can’t even shove. And there’s no BOOMSHAKALAKA. Beat ‘N GroovyImpossible to control and crap. Why is the green “note” X? And the blue one the d-pad? What? Crazy MouseAwful. Worse than crap. Age of BootyOK, but looks like it’ll be a bit tedious. It’s like a RTS only with no S.

Duke Nukem 3D (360)

Episode 2 COMPLETED! Hurrah! The last couple of levels were pretty short – the boss one especially. The boss himself was somewhat easy too, thanks to run-mode circle-strafe and a full compliment of rockets and devastator ammo. Excellent, though.

Duke Nukem 3D (360)

And another couple of levels done. Still enjoying it, still loving the level designs, still getting completely flummoxed every time there’s a place I could use a jetpack as I keep forgetting such an item exists… Must be near the end of the episode now though, right?

Mega Man 9 Demo (360)

Yes, I know I bought the Wii version this morning. I just thought I’d try it and see how it fares on the 360. Of course, it’s virtually identical. I’m glad I did buy the Wii version though, as the 360’s pad isn’t designed for digital control – the dpad is in the wrong place, and the stick has too much dead-area. As well as that, the added XBLA bits on the menu break the retro-game illusion too.

Duke Nukem 3D (360)

Completed another couple of levels on Episode 2 this evening. They’re certainly longer this episode than last, and there appear to be more of them too – I’ve just finished E2M5, and the first episode only went up to E1M4. I’m also further into the game than I ever got on the PC or Saturn 🙂

Duke Nukem 3D (360)

First episode completed! Didn’t find any of it especially hard, although did get a bit lost a couple of time meaning my completion time was something approaching far too long. The end of level (episode? world?) boss was a bit of pain too, until I realised you could use the raised bit of floor to block his shots.

Duke Nukem 3D (360)

Shake it, baby! No messing around here – straight in, bought it, played it for an hour. And only completed as far as the end of the bit with the submarine. 37 minutes for one mission? I’m so slow. But it is excellent. As it always has been.

Xbox Live Arcade New Game Day Demos (360)

There were three new games on XBLA today, and I tried the demos of them all. Oh, what a bad week… Shred NebulaRubbish shooter with wonky controls. Pirates vs Ninjas DodgeballRubbish fighting game (well, it is!) with stupid too-far-away camera. Gin RummyRubbish card game. Well, OK – it isn’t rubbish, but it’s not very exciting.

Weekend Catchup

Played a few things this weekend: Beautiful Katamari (360)Me am cry. If I play the final level on Eternal mode, and collect absolutely everything (including The King), I can only get my Katamari up to 1,450,000km. Meaning 1,500,000 is, in fact, impossible – black hole or no black hole. With this revelation, I set about redoing levels again, making more and more planets so that I’ll have some more to collect next time I try. Assuming the black hole doesn’t …

Castle Crashers Demo (360)

It’s Guardian Heroes in cartoon form! Almost! I played through to the boss (where the demo ends) and enjoyed it very much. It’s very slick, very pretty, and lots of fun. But it’s also 1200 points, and I’m not sure I can fork out that much for it. Yes, I realise that I paid the same for Braid, but that seemed… special somehow. Maybe another time I’ll rethink it.

Galaga Legions (360)

Well, having sorted out the multiplier issues I’ve been having (it would appear that “1G” is actually “16” and therefore the multiplier and not something else), I managed to get a score of just over 2.2 million. This takes me back to the top of my (now extended) friends list, but I still can’t complete Area 3.

Galaga Legions (360)

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again – I don’t like shooters. Except Defender. And Geometry Wars. And Smash TV. And Side Arms. And Parodius. And Sol Feace. And Space Invaders. And Galaga. And Dominator. But generally, I don’t like shooters. So why did I buy this? Because it’s BIG and SHOOTY and makes my eyes bleed, only bleed slightly less than GWE2 does. And it was by the Pac-man CE team, and that was amazing. This is …

A bit of a catchup

I haven’t posted in a few days, but I have been playing things. Just been a bit busy and tired and stuff. Anyway, here’s what I’ve been up to this week: Fable II Pub Games Demo (360)Marginally entertaining collection of gambling games. If I was interested in buying Fable II (I’m not), and it was 400 points, I’d buy it. So I’m not, then. Bionic Commando Rearmed Demo (360)Quite good fun, although I can’t get used to having no jump …