deKay's Lofi Gaming

There are no words, only pictures

There are few people on the internet I’d consider a friend. You know, like a “proper” friend, like you’d have offline. One was Owen Allaway, also known variously as username takeup would allow, as The Rev and That Rev Chap. He’d been a part of pretty much every online community I frequent for more than 10 years, and I’d played happy fun blue sky games like Animal Crossing and Viva Pinata online with him and his wife more times than …

Survey UK scam

In the week, i got a letter in the post from “Survey UK”, telling me I’d been allocated a gift – one of just 49. It then said to ring 01242 695001 to claim. Naturally, I immediately thought it was a scam, and used Mr Internet to find out more. I was right to be suspicious. It turns out the company (Matters Consulting Ltd, Victoria House, 1 Gloucester Road, Cheltenham) has been in legal trouble before, when they were called …