Happy 20th birthday, Sonic! Not that you can hear me, being a) fictional, and b) dead. Dead to me at least, with Sega’s stream of memory-raping crapbaskets they call Sonic games.
I’ve done all that before. Moaned about Sonic games. At length. To anyone who will listen, read or otherwise take an interest (or not). It hasn’t done any good: Sega still keeps making them.
Today, to mark his birthday, Sega have released a demo of Sonic Generations for the 360 and PS3. In this new corpse-beating adventure, Sega have attempted to appease both new fans (those who love the into-the-screen, homing attack nonsense) and old fans (those who don’t) with a game that lets you play as both Classic Sonic (rejoice! for he has no green eyes!) and Modern Sonic, in some horribly convoluted storyline.
I’ve not played it yet. But I’m expecting big things. Big brown steaming things. Watch this space.