OK, to be fair, we did just get Xenoblade Chronicles, which the US didn’t. But they’ve decided to remove the 100-long London Life RPG from the EU version of the new Professor Layton game. It’s there in Japan, and there in the US, but we in Europe ain’t getting it.
Of course, there’s nothing stopping us from importing the US version. Nothing, except they’ve changed Luke’s voice to be the most irritating thing ever (it’s even worse than Tails in the Sonic games), and the title of the game over there contains the spelling “Specter”. I’m not sure I can live with that.
I know nothing of this game, what is the 100-long London Life RPG? Why should I care about it, other than it not being included? Is it any good?
Should I have played the Professor Layton games? Cos I haven’t, you know. What with being without a DS for quite some time.
@Luffer I have no idea about it either. But that isn’t the point 🙂 I do know it’s a port of a mobile-phone-only RPG released in Japan, though. And it’s supposedly very good.
@John If you like puzzles, English Gentlemen With Big Hats, and completely bizarre plots, then yes. They’re like a cross between a Jules Verne novel and the puzzle page of The Times.
I would like to play this game soon