My Windows Bootcamp partition was getting a bit full, so I wanted to resize it. It seemed the easiest way of doing this was by using Camptune X, and, after solving the following problem, I think it was: Run app, use slider to resize OS X and Windows partitions, wait. That’s it.
However, when I first ran it, it came up with an error – saying that my OS X partition was damaged and telling me to run a disk repair.
I did that, and it came up clean. But still Camptune failed, in the same way.
Then I had a thought – I wonder if it’s related to that thing I did once to hide the Bootcamp partition from the desktop? This thing, in fact. I mean, yeah, that’s actually the Windows partition, but it was worth a try.
I fired up vifs, commented out the UUID line, and saved the file. If you don’t know how to use vi (which vifs is, essentially), then just use the cursor keys to put the cursor on the left of the line you want to comment out, press “I” (to Insert), type a #, press Escape, type :wq and press Return. After rebooting, Bootcamp reappeared on my desktop. Urgh.
Mind you, that fixed it! Camptune worked a charm and I now have an extra 100GB in the Windows partition. I hid the Bootcamp partition again by vifs’ing and removing the #. Awesome.
Do you need to burn anything onto a disc when you use camptune or is it all done on the app itself?
No – it’s all done within the app.