Play Want Bin Expense: 2016-04-25

Play Want Bin Expense: 2016-04-25

It’s been all about one game this week, more or less. Which one? Spoilers! (OK, not actually spoilers)


The WitnessThe Witness (PS4)
I now see circles and lines in everything. Every grid in real life is now a The Witness puzzle. The game even refers to this phenomenon itself, mocking me. Stupid game. It’s a good job it makes me feel so damn clever otherwise I’d be a bit annoyed. What’s that? It took more than thirty hours to complete? Thirty hours doing the same grid based puzzles? AHAHAHAHAHA! I would neve–what do you mean I’ve spent ten times that on picross? Shut up.

Hyrule Warriors (Wii U)
Plugged away at some more missions on the Twilight Adventure Map. It’s still one of the best games ever, you know.

Is that it? Blimey.


Firewatch/Lego Marvel Avengers/No Man’s Sky (all PS4). I think I may have mentioned them before. Also…

Star Fox Zero (Wii U) because the more I see of it, the more I like it.


Nothing game related apart from circles and grids and lines EVERYWHERE.


Nothing this week!


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