Game Dev Diary: FR v0.10

Game Dev Diary: FR v0.10

After the thrilling success of Advanced Lawnmower Simul8or, I’ve moved onto something else and thought I’d document my progress until either a) it’s finished, or b) I give up and bin it.

The latter is quite likely, but hopefully charting my journey here I’ll perhaps be embarrassed into finishing it. Who knows?

So far, I don’t have a name[ref]The “FR v0.10” simply refers to Free Roam, which it is currently. That’s all I’ve got.[/ref], nor a premise. There’s no story. I’m not even sure of the direction I want to take it. As you can see, I’m good at this sort of thing. In fact, everything that does currently exist in the “game”, such as it is right now, is a placeholder for something better when I figure out what better is.

And what exists currently? Only this (yes, it’s an actual thing you can “play”):

[includeme src=”” frameborder=”0″ width=”400″ height=”400″]

Those fancy walls will eventually, hopefully, be solid. The road and grass and stuff will be something else. The numbers in the top right are just for dev purposes right now, and will vanish in the final (ha!) release.

Other things to do:

  1. Animate man (and woman? Have a choice?)
  2. Draw two circles
  3. Draw the rest of the owl


      1. If you’re anything like me, by that time you’ll have something basically playable with barely adequate graphics that’s been lying on your hard drive for a fortnight while you “have a bit of a think” about some major bugs.

        At the beginning of the year, I realised that it must be at least a decade since I did any “real” coding (beyond a few 10-minute shell scripts), so my new year resolution was to write and finish an Actual Game. Well, the “write” bit got off to a good start, but the total rewrite of the collision detection that I realised was necessary back in February is still, er… in the pipeline…

        Duncan Snowden

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