Some 15 years or so back, I came up with the stupid idea of creating a PDF magazine about video games. I edited it, and the people from the newsgroup provided content and support. It was pretty novel at the time, and we got quite popular.
However, it took a lot of work and as a result became less and less regular. Eventually, it folded. Which was odd because it was a PDF. That was a terrible joke.
Not so many years ago, three perhaps, I posted a new idea in the newsgroup. What if we did a podcast? People said yes, but then suddenly things happened in my personal life so I shelved it.
Until now.
Or rather, last week. I re-suggested it, people were responsive, and despite being short notice, four of us recorded a pilot episode on Thursday. It has since been edited (a little), uploaded, and despite various issues with length and audio, The ugvm Podcast didn’t turn out too bad. Even though I’m on it! Whodathought.
If you like people saying “erm” a lot, microphones that cut out, hour long shows that somehow are 100 minutes instead, and have a passing interest in video games, then why not have a listen?
You can find the first episode here:, and it should also be on iTunes and other podcast directories if you search for “ugvm”. If you want the RSS feed, it’s Feedback to and/or @ugvmpodcast appreciated!