I’m a big fan of Fairune, that tiny adventure game for the 3DS with no proper combat and a very odd way of levelling up. Kamiko is by the same developer, and so I was interested as sound as I realised this.
And it’s great. Short, but great. You move through four small levels, opening doors and making pathways appear by pressing buttons or finding and carrying keys. Not dissimilar to Fairune, but the big change is in the combat. Whereas in Fairune you just bump into baddies, here you actually have to swipe your sword or loose your arrows or whatever.
There are also Titan Souls-esque (but much easier to beat) bosses at the end of each level.
And that’s it. It cost me 30p, I’ve completed it as Sword Person, and I’m halfway through a run as Bow Person.
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