Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Fall of the Foot Clan (Switch): COMPLETED!

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Fall of the Foot Clan (Switch): COMPLETED!

Originally a Game Boy game, this TMNT game is now one of the games on the “Cowabunga” collection, and it… isn’t great. Pretty sure it wasn’t great at the time, either, what with the flickery graphics and barely-there animation and repetitive gameplay and the tiny viewport and, well, it goes on. It’s not that far from Kung Fu Master for most of the game, having to attack enemies as they approach from left and right, but there’s also some basic platforming and jumping over tumbling rocks and stuff.

In the Game Boy’s heyday, there were probably a trillion (conservative estimate) games near identical to this with various different licences, but being Turtles, Fall of the Foot Clan was probably more visible. Plus, you get to choose which turtle you want to be for each level even though they make no difference whatsoever, bar the two animation frames of swapped out weapons.

Still, it isn’t terrible. The Game Boy was incredibly underpowered and by rights shouldn’t have even been able to manage half the games it did, but FotFC is not the best fit for the device.

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