deKay's Lofi Gaming

Gaming Diary

Top Spin 2 (360)

More working through the career mode. I managed to win a round or two in a few tournaments, so I gained a bit of money and so trained a little. I’m finding it very odd that every single match I play is ending up as 3:1, 1:3, 3:1. Sometimes I win, sometimes the other player. Very strange, non?

Top Spin 2 (360)

Worked my way through the career mode some more today, and I’m now into the second season. I haven’t even got close to winning a tournament yet, which is crap, and I’ve now run out of money with which to buy training sessions. Bah.

Saints Row (Demo) (360)

Had another short play on this, but didn’t do anything constructive. Overall, I’m quite disappointed with it. The main thing it lacks over GTA (and there’s no way to talk about Saints Row without mentioning GTA), in my opinion, is bikes. I loved the bikes in That Other Series, and since Saints Row doesn’t have any, I’m not enjoying it as much. That said, the combat is a lot better, and the number of things you can just kick around …

Animal Crossing: Wild World (DS)

TURNIP PANIC! Nook is buying for just 37 bells and there’s only today left! Panic! Panic! As well as doing a lot of panicking, I passed more furniture on to Bluebear, and gave Rodeo yet another shirt. Wendell was about, but I didn’t want to give him another red turnip, so gave him an apple. He gave me some rubbish block design in return. Then I shot him.

Orbital (GBA)

I’m up to level 26-ish now. Some of them have been really quite difficult – I was stuck on level 20 for absolutely ages before finally managing it. The problem now is there are lots of bits of “space debris” floating round the levels, as well as moving planets and stuff, making steering in and out of orbits somewhat difficult. Still love it, though.

Coloris (GBA)

This is the last of the bitGenerations games for me to try. I thought it was going to be a bit like Lumines, going off the screenshots, but it isn’t at all really. It’s more like Zoo Keeper, only you change the colours of blocks rather than move them. It’s very simple to play, but a bit long-winded to explain. It is great though. I’ve played through the first 10 or so Basic levels, and the first 2 Advanced ones.

Orbital (GBA)

My word. This too is ace. It’s another one of the seven “bit Generations” games that I now have. Basically, you wander round a solar system collecting moons and planets smaller than you, to make yourself bigger. You steer by pulling yourself in and out of orbit with the planets, which takes a bit of getting used to. It’s like a cross between Katamari Damacy and that bit in Star Trek IV where they launch around the sun. Or something. …

Saints Row (Demo) (360)

Had another stab at this demo for a bit, and enjoyed standing on the roof of a moving car shooting at pedestrians. ACE. I also shot a plastic surgeon in the face (another Jack Thompson moment) and generally just explored a bit. I’m slightly disappointed that there isn’t more to do (although it is only a demo), but VERY disappointed there don’t seen to be any motorbikes. Bah.

Cloning Clyde (360)

Played this in Versus Mode against my brother for a while this evening. It took him a few rounds before he realised he was destroying his own security machines instead of mine, making it somewhat easy for me to win, but even after he’d figured that out he was still rubbish and I beat him about 68642378923 times. Ha.

Street Fighter II’ Hyper Fighting (360)

I played this quite a bit more, mainly on Ranked Matches against random people. I didn’t do too badly either, as it turned out – playing 20 matches and winning 14 of them. There was a huge divide between the attitudes of the UK and US players. Generally, UK players will say “Oh, too bad!” if you lose, and “Well played!” if you win. US players will say “WTF? You cheated! You can’t do that move! That isn’t allowed! I’m …

Animal Crossing: Wild World (DS)

Gah! I really wish it was possible to kill Nook and steal all his money. Kill him several times, in fact. That would be nice. He offered me just 37 bells for turnips today, and I’m rapidly running out of week… Aside from threaten racoons, I also passed on some clothes and furniture to Bluebear and Rodeo, as well as do a bit of weeding and stuff.

Soundvoyager (GBA)

What an astounding game. It’s also one of the most original games I’ve played in a long, long time. The “thing” with it, is that you don’t need to look at the screen to play. In fact, you shouldn’t. And, after a while playing, there’s no point. Amazing. Basically, you listen to play. You need headphones, and then you hear sounds on your left and right which you have to steer towards with the L and R buttons. As they …

Saints Row (Demo) (360)

Oh my. This isn’t like Grand Theft Auto at all, is it? I mean, not only does it look like it, and have similar controls, and gangs, and carjacking, and map and all that, but it even feels like it. That isn’t a bad thing, of course. I played for 20 minutes or so and had a great time kicking innocent women to death, driving cars into the sea, and booting rubbish around the roads. And then I picked up …

Outpost Kaloki X (360)

Hurrah! I managed to complete Scenario 6! It seems the trick is to sell off some of the “lesser” units once you’ve built the more expensive units that supercede them. That means you still get money coming in, but don’t have to keep forking out for MORE POWAR. I also found you can sort of “overclock” the power sources, and squeeze a bit more juice out of them. However, Scenario 7 was a bit difficult too. I almost managed it, …

Street Fighter II’ Hyper Fighting (360)

Yes, again. Firstly, some issues I have with the game: The 360 pad is RUBBISH for playing it. The lobby system is crap, although it seems to be mainly because games disappear before you get a chance to join them. They haven’t used the extra frames of animation for the boss characters (like Sagat and Bison) from later games, meaning they look crap in motion. But, it is still Street Fighter II, and so therefore, is ace. Played loads of …