deKay's Lofi Gaming

Gaming Diary

Animal Crossing: Wild World (DS)

Hmm. I forgot to go and buy turnips yesterday. That’ll make my play on Animal Crossing this week somewhat short and a bit pointless, I’d expect, since I won’t have Mad Turnip Panic all the time. Today I just visited animals, did a bit of weeding, and dug up TEN gyroids. It hasn’t even rained much in the last few days, so I’ve no idea where they’ve all come from…

Cloning Clyde (360)

After playing the demo briefly, I caved in and bought this game, which is an Xbox Live Arcade download. Played it for a bit, finishing all of the levels in training and in the first door, as well as some of the unlocked Challenge Levels.

The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion (360): COMPLETED!

NINETY-ONE HOURS of gaming on Oblivion, and I’ve finally completed it. The last few play sessions have been a concerted effort to stay on-track and “do” the main quest, and it culminated this afternoon with me gaining the title Champion of Cyrodiil. I’m Winner! I won’t spoil everything, but needless to say it was a pretty long slog. My first task today was to obtain part of Tiber Septim’s armour, stained with his blood. It was in a dungeon, and …

Uno (360)

Played a few rounds with two British guys and a bloke who kept speaking like a little girl. I hope he was just stoned or something. Anyway, I lost. Completely. Bah.

Battle for Middle Earth II (Demo) (360)

I played just the training mode, which was rather too hand-holdy that I’d hoped for. The camera angle irritated me too, with it being too much “from the side” and not enough “from above” to make it actually useful like in other RTS games. The screen scrolls far too quickly as well, meaning you constantly pan past where you want to get to. In addition, the map in the corner is nigh on useless, the control scheme is irritating and …

Animal Crossing: Wild World (DS)

Turnip panic! Turnip panic! I had 1,250,000 bells worth (at 95 bells or so each) of turnips to sell, and didn’t get a decent price in the week at all. And today Nook was offering just 46 bells! Noooo! Luckily, my wife’s town had a price of 115 bells, which netted me a roughly 20% profit. Not the 4-500% I have been getting, but still – at least it isn’t a loss. It did take me some 45 minutes to …

The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion (360)

Oblivion Gates a-plenty! I’ve now been round and closed all of the Oblivion Gates that the rulers of each town has asked me to do. I left the Imperial City until last, but after closing all of the others, I was told I’m completed that quest, so didn’t bother going there. After each gate was closed, I returned to my house in Bravil to dump my “spoils”, which included a load of interesting rings and staffs, as well as an …

Frogger (360)

Hmm. It seems that three people are now ahead of me in my Friend’s Leaderboard. I attempted to recify this by improving my score. I managed a better score (about 15300-ish), but am still a little behind the “leaders”. Bah.

Magnetica (DS)

It seems my wife has been playing this rather a lot, so many of the Puzzle Mode and Quest Mode levels have been completed already. Of course, you can go back and do them again. So I did some of the earlier quests, tried the “newest” open one (and failed), tried the second Challenge in that mode (and got to level 69/99, rubbish) and completed a few incomplete puzzles in Puzzle Mode. I played them all with my new DS …

Dotstream (GBA)

Hmm. The first GP event in this that I played the other day was really easy, and I got first place in each race without a problem. However, the Flame GP is much, much harder. I managed one first place, one third, one last, and two retirements. I think the game must be broken.

Animal Crossing: Wild World (DS)

Gah! Nook is RUBBISH. I know I’ve said that a lot, but still. He is. And he needs to be shot in the face. Apparently, only gamers shoot people in the face. Anyway. So he offered me 54 bells today, which means I have ten billion turnips to sell and I’m not going to make any money on them this week. Pierce moved out (again) today. I don’t know if I’ve done something to upset him or anything. I haven’t …

The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion (360)

To make a change from the Oblivion-gate-a-thon of the Aid for Bruma quest, I decided to get aid from Kvatch, where there isn’t a gate any more (I closed it right near the beginning of the game, remember?). Instead, I had to retake the castle there, and find the count. I had the help of a load of soldiers and stuff, but they were all crap and died fairly quickly. There were some huge new baddies inside the castle too, …

Animal Crossing: Wild World (DS)

Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! Nooooo! Nooooooooooo! Margie has moved out! No warning at all. She was there yesterday, and now, she’s gone. Rubbish. But look! Kody has moved back from Lancre. Great. I wish he was dead. And Nook can just sod off too, with his 64 bells-a-turnip prices. And Redd, with his tent of crap. Bah.

bit Generations Games (GBA)

Wow! The boxes! I can’t believe how ACE the boxes for these three games look! They’re all sleek and square and shiny! So, the first three bit Generations games from Nintendo turned up today. They’re cheap, and simple, and “experimental”. And two of the three are sexbest. First up, was Dotstream. It’s a racing game, but you control a line that races other lines. And there’s no accelerate or brake buttons, and you can only steer up and down. But …