deKay's Lofi Gaming

Gaming Diary

Uno (360)

Since I’d splashed out on Frogger, and I’d bought 2000 Points with which to buy it, I had some left over and as a result Uno was purchased. I played just the one full game, online, against some random people. I won the first two hands, then narrowly missed the third, and then was way off on the fourth by which time someone else had won overall. Boo.

Frogger (360)

Yes. I bought it. I don’t really know why, but I did. And it’s ACE. I know it’s only Frogger and everything, but having a leaderboard and achievements (of which I gained three) really makes more of the “get as many points as you can” gameplay.

Animal Crossing: Wild World (DS)

I was in a Turnip Quandry today, with Nook buying for 198 bells. I’m sure I can do better, but 198 is still a reasonable price. So what to do? Well, the same as I do every week, Pinky – try to take over the… uh, I mean, risk it, not sell them, and then hope someone online gets a better price tomorrow. I don’t learn, do I? Anyway. It was still raining, but I did manage to find a …

Prey (Demo) (360)

Hmm. I really didn’t think I was going to like this. It was just going to be “another FPS”, and I’ve had enough of them. I knew there were “gimmicks”, like the walking on walls and portals and stuff, but that’s all I thought there was over any other FPS. I was a bit wrong. The story is great, and unexpected, and the graphics are lovely. The wall (and ceiling) walking is cleverly used, and the portals confuse and impress, …

Animal Crossing: Wild World (DS)

Still rubbish turnip prices this week. Of course, I rarely get a decent price anyway, and usually have to rely upon someone else getting a high price for me to sell in their town. Nook offered 74 bells today. Slap him. Nan was trying to move out (again!) today, but I seemed to convince her. I wish I could remember which of my animals wanted the assorted shirts I’ve been buying over the last few days, though, as they’re building …

Animal Crossing: Wild World (DS)

Yet another briefest of brief visits to Cheese, to check up on my animals (none of which wanted anything, aside from a delivery errand for Margie), and to see turnip prices (63 bells). I’m having a bit of a fossil and gyroid drought at the moment, which is especially odd as it has rained almost every single day for over a week now.

Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan (DS)

ARSE! Which is what the men shout, of course, and not a reference to how well I played today. Mostly re-did some levels on Hard mode, and did reasonably well there. For fun (or not), I tried Ready Steady Go! on Insane again, and just died. A lot. This really is one of the best games I’ve ever played. If you have a DS, and you don’t have this game, you really need to buy this now!

Animal Crossing: Wild World (DS)

Seven months I’ve been playing this game. Many times I’ve thought, “Why?” and yet have still kept on playing. I’m in a bit of a dip with it again at the moment, as there’s not much going on and my animals don’t seem keen to give me their pictures. Oh well – I’ll plod on regardless. Turnips were 74 bells, there wasn’t much to buy that I didn’t already have, and nothing much happened.

Brain Age (DS)

No, no training today. I don’t do that any more. My brain is too huge as it is. So I spent some time doing sudoku puzzles instead, taking my completion up to 34% done. I mainly did Beginner puzzles, but also did a couple of the Intermediate ones.

The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion (360)

Oblivion Gate closing spree! First off, I had to help Captain Burd close the gate outside of Bruma. This was a pretty short task, although Burd’s guards all died within seconds for being rubbish. With my wealth of enchanted items (I have a permanent 43% shield effect now, plus 10% for fire, front and shock, 50% for magic, and 20% reflect damage, on top of my sword of shock and assorted enchanted arrows) I barely suffered a scratch. With the …

Animal Crossing: Wild World (DS)

Turnip day! I had about 400,000 bells in my pockets, and spent the lot on white turnips costing 101 bells each. I’ve covered the “hard” ground outside my house with them all. Had a new resident today – a bull called Rodeo. He said he wanted to be naked, and then he’d love to walk round town with me. I backed away then. Didn’t do a lot else in Cheese, except find and sell some fossils, and order a shirt …

Animal Crossing: Wild World (DS)

Two main events in Cheese today. Firstly, I went to see K.K. Slider play at the museum. He performed K.K. Mambo for me. I then realised it was also La-di-day, so went and talked to all my animals who sang assorted songs. I picked Margie’s in the end, to be the new town tune, as it was the first couple of bars from Super Mario Bros, and was therefore ACEBESTNESS. Although I had no turnips to sell, I checked in …