deKay's Lofi Gaming

Completed 2011

A World of Keflings (360 01/01/2011) Sonic Adventure (360 05/01/2011) Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga (360 15/01/2011) Professor Layton and the Lost Future (DS 09/02/2011) Detana!! TwinBee (360 19/02/2011) TwinBee (360 27/02/2011) Red Dead Redemption (360 03/03/2011) Sonic the Hedgehog (DS 06/03/2011) Pac-Man Championship Edition DX (360 13/03/2011) X-Men (360 10/04/2011) Pilotwings Resort (3DS 10/04/2011) Metal Slug (Wii 14/04/2011) Onechanbara: Bikini Zombie Slayers (Wii 14/04/2011) Burning Fight (Wii 15/04/2011) Magician Lord (Wii 15/04/2011) Muramasa: The Demon Blade (Wii 19/04/2011) …

Assorted NeoGeo CD games (NeoGeo CD)

Shock! I bought a new console! OK, so it’s an old console, but it’s one I’ve wanted for absolutely ages. Someone on rllmuk was selling it with four games and some, uh, “backups”, for a not-to-be-missed price, and lo – it arrived this afternoon. And it really is very nice. To look at, it’s like a giant Sega Saturn, and the interface is almost identical to the MegaCD. The joypad is like a big version of the NeoGeo Pocket stick …