deKay's Lofi Gaming

Mario 64DS

Just a quick play on this today. Got another star (by getting red coins from all the Boos in the courtyard), and caught three more rabbits to unlock some more mini-games. Played them for a while too. The shell-smacking one is ace.

Atari Anthology

Played this for the first time today. It’s a collection of some 65 or so Atari 2600 games, and 15 or so Atari arcade games. The bizarre side-effect of this, is that there are two versions of many games (such as Pong, Battlezone and Asteroids). Anyway, I played Adventure (and completed it on Level 2) mainly to see if I could remember the routes through the mazes. I could, but I seemed to be far crapper at the game than …

Anarchy Online

Logged in as my new character at first, to see if any ugv* bods were about. And they weren’t, the skivers. Inflicted Random Acts of Kindness (+20 Max HP) on some low level players. Only got one “thanks”. Some ungrateful sod even said “I don’t want that, I want credits!”. Sadly, I couldn’t shoot him. After a bit, I logged in again as Chutney, and soloed the Subway for a bit. I can kill not one, but TWO Shadows now, …

Mario 64DS

Had a quick go at catching rabbits to unlock more minigames. I realised that you actually have to catch each rabbit four times, as catching one with Yoshi only unlocks a Yoshi minigame. This could be tedious. The seven minigames I unlocked are pretty good, but nothing special. There’s a pelmanism game, using sounds not pictures, two of those grid-of-squares and touching one inverts it and the surrounding ones type games, which I hate, although most of these are pretty …

Mario 64DS

Well. I’m “compensating” with the controls. That means I’m still annoyed with them, but I’m only doing levels I absolutely have to, or levels that don’t requite such precision. Six lives lost to the first Bowser level then, as it is too hard to use the camera and control Mario at the same time. Managed it in the end, however. I also went and got the first star in Shifting Sand Land, and drained the water from the basement. Caught …

Run Baby Run

It’s an RZX recording frenzy at the moment, so I’ve been trying to beat my personal best. I haven’t fared to well, sadly, as the pressure of recording my gameplay makes me mess it up. However, I have managed a score of 3146, and here’s the RZX to prove it. Weak.

Mario 64DS

Still sticking with it, despite the problems I’m having with the controls. Have I mentioned the problems with the controls? They’re awful. Rescued Mario, which has improved things a little. Yoshi just doesn’t feel “right” for the game. I’ve now got 16 Stars, and so went and had a crack at the first Bowser boss. Not that I could even reach him, as the terrible controls make the tricky platform section before him bloody hard. Grr!


Oh dear, Nintendo. What have you done? Mario 64 was one of the best games ever created. Better in many ways than Mario Sunshine, even. But this DS port is awful – ruined almost entirely by the dreadful controls. The digital pad is no good for the tight turns and run-speed control required, and the touch screen isn’t responsive enough and awkward to use. Played it for a good two hours today, and it hasn’t “clicked” yet. I have 8 …


But it’s not over yet! I finished the cave with the nasty thing on rollers, which was much easier in the end than it seemed. Got a few treasures in there, but not many. I then went back to one of the first caves I’d done, but not got everything in – Hole of Beasts – and completed it. The amount of treasure I got from there was enough to finish the game! However, after that, you can carry on …

Mr Driller: Drill Spirits

Made a proper start on this DS game today, only to find it really hard. I think I must be missing some gameplay mechanic, as I can’t even do the 500m level, let alone the harder ones! I never was very good at the older Mr Driller games either. Haven’t tried Pressure Mode yet, but that seems like it’ll be even HARDER.

Anarchy Online

I have now become a bit more, as they say in this game, UBER. I’ve bought myself a cheap healing nanoprogram, which has made things a LOT easier. Until I ran into six Shadows that some guy was fighting. He nearly died, so I healed him. And so they came after me instead. Run away! Managed to get out of the Subway of West Athen with just 3HP left. Phew.

Pikmin 2

Finished what I started last night, and made my way into the Subterranean Complex cave in the Valley of Repose. First few floors were pretty easy, but then I had to kill some floaty things which dropped bombs, and some electric beetle things, and some spidery things, AND get rid of some poison clouds, all in the same three square millimetres. Lost a few Pikmin, but made it through. Then had some big metallic thing that kept firing things at …

Sega Superstars

Waving my arms around in front of the TV is not something I generally do. Shout and swear at it, yes, but not pretend I’m actually part of a game by doing so. EXCEPT WAIT! I am part of the game! With the Eyetoy, you too can actually be in Virtua Fighter, Puyo Puyo, Super Monkey Ball and other Sega games. Almost. Well, it was fun for a bit anyway. My arms hurt too. Some games work better than others: …