deKay's Lofi Gaming

Sonic the Hedgehog (Wii): COMPLETED!

How strange that the first game I complete on the my new Wii console, is the first console games I ever owned. Well, one of two – I got Altered Beast on the same day, but that doesn’t count… So I managed to make up for missing out on two Chaos Emeralds by carefully getting to the end of the remaining Acts with 50 or more rings, and got myself all six emeralds by the time I’d done Starlight Zone …

Sonic Rush

Went back to Zone 2 and picked up the Chaos Emerald there, before trying Zone 6 again. Managed to get through it this time, and beat the boss. Then it was on to Zone 7, and shock! It’s set on a spaceship, and there are gravity flippy things! How completely new for a Sonic game! Found a Special Stage on Act 1, and failed to complete it because it’s too hard. Luckily, there was the right sort of level structure …

Sonic Rush

Two more Chaos Emeralds GET! Went through the first Act of the up-in-the-sky level again, stopping off to pick up one Emerald there. Then tried the second Act, but died a few times due to not looking where I was going. Tch. After that, I went back to the first Act of the first Zone (Leaf Forest, or whatever it’s called) and picked up another Emerald. That means I have five now, with only Zones 2 and 7 left to …

Sonic Rush

Another Zone done. I can’t remember the name (again), but it’s the Metropolis Zone From Sonic 2 On The Megadrive One. You know, with the pipes and the steam and stuff. And I got another Chaos Emerald too, which makes three. Go me. Moved onto the zone after that as well, which is a whole lot of down. And died. A lot. I did manage the first Act (with hanglider!), but the second had too much sky and not enough …

Sonic Rush

This seems somewhat easier from where I left off, you know. Bizarre. Anyway, completed two zones – the Sandopolis replacement, and the Carnival Night replacement, and defeated both of the bosses at the end of them. It really is very fast. Very, very fast. I also managed to get into the Special Stage a few times, and grab two Chaos Emeralds. Yes, I went in more than twice, but you can only get one Emerald per Zone, it seems, so …

Sonic Advance 3: ADVANCED!

I feel like a quadraplegic or something when I can’t complete a ‘simple’ Sonic game without having to resort to $hlmun attempts at killing the end of game boss. In fact, the boss wasn’t actually all that difficult, it was the fact that every time you die, you had to kill the pre-boss boss, then the boss. Then, if you lose all your lives, you have to go back and do the boss from the previous level, then the pre-boss …

Sonic Advance 3

Finally managed to complete Chaos Angel Zone, which wasn’t actually as hard as it has first appeared. The boss at the end was a bit of a pain, though, and I lost tens of lives to him before getting past. And now it’s onto Altar Emerald. The strange Metal Sonic/Ristar hybrid thingie that keeps cropping up as a “mid boss”, as well as part of the main bosses, was here, and then a giant Eggman-controlled Eggman robot was after that. …

Sonic Advance 2: SONIC BOOMED!

With Sonic Rush out next week, and this still not completed and Sonic Advance 3 still unplayed, I thought I’d best get my finger out and do something about it. So I completed it! Turns out the boss I was stuck on at the end of Sky Doobrie Zone wasn’t as hard as I’d previously thought. I just needed to be more careful. The next two zones were pretty easy too, as were the bosses. And then came the “XX” …

Sonic Adventure DX

Three more action stages complete with Sonic. Or is it four? They all kind of went blurry. Icecap, Twinkle Park, and Speed Highway (or something) all finished. Found a gold Chao egg too, and hatched that. Really should name my Chaos now, since only Chewy has a name. Oh yes, and did Sky Chase too. Which was easy. In fact, the whole game has been easy so far. Even the boss battle against Chaos 4 (what happened to Chaos 1-3 …