deKay's Lofi Gaming

Prince of Persia: Warrior Within (GC)

This is one of those games that’s kind of difficult to describe where I’ve got to in it, especially since there’s some backtracking (albeit in different time zones). Got past the bit I was stuck in before, and moved on through more traps and stuff to a circular area where the almost nude woman in leather was fighting a remarkably similar looking almost nude woman in a red almost-dress. I’m guessing at this point that the woman in leather is …

Taito Legends

Been playing this a bit this morning. Colony 7 was much like Missile Command, only sans missiles, and Elevator Action was fun despite the controls being somewhat unresponsive. Gladiator was more than poor, and Great Swordsman was good, if a little hard. However, I did also spend a while playing The Ninja Kids…

Hello Kitty Roller Rescue

A cute rocket firing, wheeled baddie thing to kill (who was easy), and onto another level of more cute stuff. I’ve been asked, “Doesn’t the cuteness in Hello Kitty Roller Rescue make you want to vomit your kidneys up?”. And to that person, I say: “Yes. Yes it does. Through my eyes.” There was a car park level, and I rescued a cute toy car thing. Had to find it some cute batteries, but soon it was smashing through walls …

Astro Boy: Omega Factor

Hoorah! The World’s Strongest Robots si teh defeat0rised. Again. Turns out they were not quite as difficult as I was expecting this time round, and Pluto only took 326325 attempts instead of 9843965839. After that, it was Stage Hoppathon time, meeting people and collecting “clues”. I would repeat them here, but they’re both spoilers, and completely hatstand. So, fought a huuuuge great ninja robot, jousted with a robot on a robot horse, and generally got very, very confused. And then …

Astro Boy: Omega Factor

This game is a bit bloody hard, isn’t it? I managed the green golum bit, and waded through more levels. Baddies so far have included flying fish, Easter Island heads on stone unicycles, ninja robots, a train, men in trenchcoats, bizarre Inca pigmies, and flying boats with rocket launchers. Some of the shooty sections are very much like Parodius, it would seem. Now I’m on level 7, and it’s boss-fight-a-go-go. It’s almost a SuckySuck(TM) bit, but since I haven’t fought …