deKay's Lofi Gaming

Viva Pinata (360)

Gnngh! Super Addiction Fighter II Turbo! Right, Bunnycombs are now gone. I wanted to breed Pretztails, and I thought it best to get rid of them all before they were eaten. Having sold them all, I then sold my Buzzlegums and Mothdrops to make some space. However, I don’t have everything needed to breed Pretztails, so a change of plan was in order. I evolved some Sparrowmints into Candaries, then bred about 15 of them. I also made some Squazzils …

Ridge Racer 6 (360)

Nooooo! Project Gotham has broken it! The handling on Project Gotham is so completely different, that I really struggled to control my Kilik Starnose thingie and it’s wierd drifting mechanism. Try as I might, I just couldn’t complete one of the tracks. So, I changed my plan to do a “loop” on the map into a plan to make my way across the bottom of the map to the right. This meant that I could use my Gaplus car instead, …

The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion (360)

Oblivion Gate closing spree! First off, I had to help Captain Burd close the gate outside of Bruma. This was a pretty short task, although Burd’s guards all died within seconds for being rubbish. With my wealth of enchanted items (I have a permanent 43% shield effect now, plus 10% for fire, front and shock, 50% for magic, and 20% reflect damage, on top of my sword of shock and assorted enchanted arrows) I barely suffered a scratch. With the …

Animal Crossing: Wild World (DS)

Yet another visit to Cheese today, but only because it’s Saturday night, and K.K. Slider is about then. Tonight’s tune was “Two Days Ago”. After that, I realised that tomorrow was turnip day, and I’d spent almost all my money on my mortgage. Ran round and sold the last of the fruit I had on the trees, and I’ve now got almost 50,000 to spend. With the money rock tomorrow, plus any grown back fruit, I should be able to …

The New Zealand Story

Played this on Taito Legends this evening, with the intention of completing it. It took me about an hour to work my way through all the levels up until level 4-4 – the Viking ship. Unlike all of the other levels, if you die and need to continue, you don’t respawn near where you pegged it. Instead, you begin again at the start of the level. Rubbish. And, since it is a pretty difficult level, filled with spikes in enclosed …

Pokémon Sapphire

Loads of stuff done today. Worked my way up to the next city, defeating trainers left right and centre. When I got there, I got myself a bike, and rode back to the previous city on the “cycling road”, defeating more trainers. Then went back up to the “new” city again, and wandered around defeating more trainers and Pokémon, and caught a Plusle. Beat May and Wally again too. Went into the Gym there too, and defeated all the trainers …


Oh dear, Nintendo. What have you done? Mario 64 was one of the best games ever created. Better in many ways than Mario Sunshine, even. But this DS port is awful – ruined almost entirely by the dreadful controls. The digital pad is no good for the tight turns and run-speed control required, and the touch screen isn’t responsive enough and awkward to use. Played it for a good two hours today, and it hasn’t “clicked” yet. I have 8 …