deKay's Lofi Gaming

Assorted Xbox 360 Demos (Demo) (360)

As well as skate., which I’ve posted about already, I had a go at a few other demo games that were made available on the 360 this week. Street Trace: NYCIt’s like some evil cross between the awful Dreamcast game TrickStyle and the awful Playstation 2 game Twisted Metal. And isn’t nearly as good as either of them. You have a hoverboard, and some weapons, and it’s futuristic. And it’s a deathmatch game. Rubbish. Space GiraffeJeff Minter promised us he …

On the topic of screen resolutions: Q or Q?

Warning: this post may contain scenes of a geeky nature. So I’m looking for a new monitor. Actually, two new monitors – one for work, and one for home. On my PCs, I love a huge resolution, running a 19″ Iiyama VM Pro at 1600×1200 at work, and a 22″ Iiyama VM Pro at 1920×1440. Mmm, screen real estate. Thanks to the aceness that is Expos‚àö¬©, I manage happily with “just” 1280×800 on my MacBook, but on a Windows machine, …

Animal Crossing: Wild World

Sunday morning is the day the Sow Joan comes and sells turnips. Turnips for you to buy, and sell on the Stalk Market, hopefully for a huge profit. You may notice that “Sow Joan” sounds like “Dow Jones” and “Stalk” is like “Stock”. This is no coincidence. After searching the whole of Cheese three times, I finally found here. I had enough bells to buy 90 turnips at 104 bells each, which is a bit more than I was hoping …

Lost in Blue

Gasp! I seem to have done loads more on Lost in Blue this afternoon. Not least: Finished my raft. The hardest bit was actually finding enough logs, as they don’t spawn all that often and they’re pretty rare. Needed about 12 in total, and you only get them at a rate of one or two a day, if you’re lucky. The raft took me across the lake, to a place where there was another cave, some hot springs (where you …

Metroid Fusion

Jumpy shooty killy explodey fun later (including another run-in and escape-from the SA-X Evil Me), and I make it back to my ship. There I’m told that the power is down everywhere, and I need to find the cause. Some maze navigation ensues, and I kill some X-Space Pirate thingies, and run into a giant spider. Who kills me in about three hits. Boo.