The original set of five levels for Run Baby Run were fantastic. No, they were better than fantastic. But, after 20 years worth of play, they did become a little, er, familiar.
Thankfully, Dunny, one of the nice chaps that writes the Speccy emulator SPIN wrote a marvelous level editor. You can get that on the Level Editor page. Here, however, are a pile of new RBR levels I’ve created with the editor. Some of these level designs have been in my head for most of my life, waiting for an outlet. Some are concept levels, based around something. Others take areas of existing levels and mix them around. And some are just plain nuts.
You can even play these levels online, right here, right now – just skip to the bottom of the page!
Run Baby Run: Cold as Ice
A set of levels comparable to the original game in terms of complexity and difficulty.
Claustrophobic Run Baby Run
Limited room to maneuver makes quick thinking and forward planning skills a must.
Run Baby Run: Arco del Oeste
Some unconventional layout ideas allow more freedom in your route planning.
Run Baby Run: Wise From Your Gwave
Lots of nice easy route areas without any fiddly bits.
Play these levels now!
[includeme file=qaop/runbabylevels.txt]
The emulator used is Qaop.