Viva Pinata (360)

It’s like other games don’t actually exist, isn’t it? I’ve ditched Animal Crossing and Viva Pinata has stolen my life. Ended up today with a pile of Roarios (I was sent one in the end as I couldn’t get them to stay) and level 84. I did some pinata-pruning in my Grass Garden too, by selling them, and also got a few more variants for Candarys, Sparrowmints and some other pinatas. Sent out some pinatas to people too, and got …

Viva Pinata (360)

Level 80! Romanced my Bonboons raw, then decided to try and get myself a Roario. This involved getting lots of Doenuts and Zumbugs into my garden, and while I waited for a Roario to show up I busied myself with getting the Master Romancer award for Goobaas and Rashberries, as well as all the colour variants for those and the Doenuts and Zumbugs. Sent out some of my excess animals to people too. Since the Roario was a real pain …

Viva Pinata (360)

Level 75 now! Played for about two and a half hours today, mainly breeding Mallowolfs and Parrybos (which finally made it into my garden, helped along by one I was sent). I tamed a Bonboon too, and set about breeding Jameleons. I’ve already Master Romanced them, but I need three for each Bonboon to romance. I built a mine, and along with all the gems, seeds and other assorted things the Diggerling dug up, I also got a Dragonache egg! …

New Rally-X (360)

I’m up to level 11 now, I think, and I got a pile of achievements in one go today, including the do-level-7-without-dying one, which I thought was going to be really hard. That means I’m in with a chance of getting all 200 points for this game!

Viva Pinata (360)

Got lots done today. Master Romanced some more species (more Flutterscotches, Profitamoles) and then set about taming sours. Released one Tour Of Sour block at a time, and got a Mallowolf and a Cocoadile. Used my Crowla and Sherbat to distract Dastardos to get myself a couple of achievements, and also scared Professor Pester off with the Mallowolf for another one. I then started growing and fertilising a load of plants to get the Master Green Fingers achievement, and so …

Viva Pinata (360)

Gah! I tried for two hours to get a second Chewnicorn into my garden, feeding them over 60 gems (that’s 60×360=21600 coins worth), when I could have just got Gretchem to catch me another in minutes for around 10000 coins. Anyway. Finally, managed it, and romanced them too. While all that gem eating was going on, I set about breeding Flutterscotches. Got the Master Breeder award for Black, Yellow and Red ones, and made a start on getting some Blues. …

Viva Pinata (360)

I started today on level 59, and finished on 64. The main contributing factors to this were the Horstashio romancing, followed by the Zumbug romancing, and then the appearance and residence of a Chewnicorn! I got one as I had grown a gem tree, was a Master Romancer for Horstashios, and fed it 15 gems. 15! Lawks. Sent and received a load of pinatas today as well, mainly remnants of my breeding frenzy. Someone sent me a Crawla, which was …

Viva Pinata (360)

Ace! I got a Horstashio in my garden, and by feeding it loads of apples, it decided to stay! Not that I kept it for long, as watching an episode of the TV series had showed me that feeding them a blackberry and a daisy turned them into a Zumbug. So I did that! Now I have a Zumbug to play with. However, Zumbugs and Horstashios fight, so I’ve posted it to myself whilst I set about breeding Horstashios. And …

Viva Pinata (360)

The breedathon continues! Firstly, I bred a load of Barkbarks, then Ponockys, and then some other pinata species I’d previously had resident but hadn’t romanced for some reason. Then I went back to my water garden and set about Master Romancing my Salamangos, and since I had a fully grown oak tree, I tried to coax a Eaglair in. Without success. Bah.

New Rally-X

It’s just Pac-Man only more “free flow, yo”, isn’t it? Not that it matters, as I bought it for 400 points anyway. Only played it for about 10 minutes, but that was long enough to rack up 7 achievements. Go me! I never really “got” Rally-X before. I think it’s one of those arcade games somewhat forgotten in the UK. I certainly don’t recall ever seeing it in the arcades, and it was only because of emulators I even knew …

Viva Pinata (360)

Haven’t played this in a while. My Wii came along and my 360 pretty much got forgotten. But I’ve been meaning to get back into Viva Pinata, so I did. Today was filled with breeding. I managed to become Master Romancer for about 8 different species, including Kittyfloss and Syrupents, and also made (and Master Romanced) Lackatoads, Twingersnaps, and Four Heads. The result of all this was that I got three achievements – one for reaching Level 50 (I’m at …

Novadrome (Demo) (360)

Hmm. This was today’s Xbox Live Arcade download. I applaud all the recent new titles (rather than arcade conversions), but some haven’t really been very good at all. Novadrome is just awful. It’s like a crap Twisted Metal Black clone, and that wasn’t any good to start with. I certainly won’t be buying the full version.

Viva Pinata (360)

My first job of the day was to become a Master Romancer for Pigxies, which didn’t take long. I then named them all after people like Ringo Starr and Craig David and sent them to random people. After that, I tried and successfully managed to coax two Doenuts into the garden, and got romancing them (also becoming a Master Romancer for them). Sold most of them, and renamed and sent the rest to people. I then smacked Seedos “upside the …

RoboBlitz (Demo) (360)

Hmm. This is clearly very impressive for a 50MB game (most of which I’d imagine is the Unreal 3 Engine it uses), and it’s nice to have more original content on the Xbox Live Arcade service, but it isn’t that fantastic a game. It’s a bit puzzley, a bit platformy, and a bit smacky-shooty, but has control and camera issues. So, nice to play for a while, but not worth the 1,200 points it costs, I don’t think.

Viva Pinata (360)

Didn’t play for very long today. Started a new garden, and filled it with grass. Also built a Pigxie house, emptied my four Pigxies into the garden, and romanced them a few times. I’m also building a house for the Moozipan I have, and I’ll be breeding some of them soon too, as well as trying to tempt a Doenut or two in…