Alien Breed Special Edition ’92 (Evercade): COMPLETED!

I seem to remember this getting really good reviews upon original release, but I’m struggling to see how. I did look up some of them, and came across this incredible bit of art editor drunkenness from Amiga User International, which attempts to show the screen that comes up when you access a computer terminal, but fails, rather than any of the actual game itself. Incredible work. And also look out for some great whitespace issues: Anyway, that review also tells …

Project-X Special Edition (Evercade): COMPLETED!

Bloody hell that was hard. Save states at the start of each level and still the last couple of levels were near impossible. Although I loved this back on my Amiga, what I hadn’t realised back then was how poor the collision detection was, which, coupled with the jerky movement, caused so many deaths as I slammed accidentally into walls as I tried to scrape by. Perhaps this was because the first two levels are pretty easy but I never …

Assorted Amiga Games (Amiga)

Since I’d set my Amiga up today, I thought I’d have a play on some of the games I had installed on it. First up was Brutal Homicide, a game my wife and I used to play all the time. It’s sort of like a two player cross between Bomberman and The Chaos Engine. It used to be great fun, but I forgot you had to plug in a second joypad, so we didn’t really get much out of it… …