Earth Defense Force: Iron Rain (PS5): COMPLETED!

Although I’d had access to this via PS++++++++ for some time, I’d never downloaded it as I, erroneously, thought it was that vertically scrolling shooter EDF spin-off rather than a “normal” third-person co-op giant insect/robot apocalypse game. Then I noticed the screenshots and realised I was thinking of Earth Defense Force: Wing Diver The Shooter and Iron Rain is, in fact, more of the game I wanted. It is, broadly, the same game that most of the other games have …

Earth Defense Force: World Brothers (PS5): COMPLETED!

I’m a fan of the EDF games, with their Massive Ants and Massive Wasps and Massive Robots and Massive Space Ships. I was intrigued by this, Minecraft-y looking entry into the series, but the problem with EDF games is they cost money and don’t often drop to Super Cheap, so I never got round to buying it. And I still haven’t, because it appeared on PS+! I thought the only real difference between this and the others in the series …

Earth Defense Force 5 (PS5): COMPLETED!

I realised for the first time while playing EDF 5, having played all (I think) of the previous titles in the series, that I think the reason I enjoy them so much is that they’re basically musou games only with guns and aliens. Sure, there’s less base defence and area capture, but the gameplay is surprisingly similar. After I’d played a few levels, my daughter noticed it was two player and so asked to join in, which made it even …

Earth Defense Force 2017 (360): COMPLETED!

Well, level 52 threw pretty much EVERYTHING at me – every type of baddie yet seen (aside from the huge walker and dino-mechs), all at once, and then sent in a second wave just as I thought it was all over. But I managed it, after a few attempts, and then it was finally time to take down the mothership. And take it down I did. Of course, it seems the whole of the rest of the world has been …

Earth Defense Force 2017 (360)

The war has certainly turned. Every level is now a mop-up of all the baddies I’ve previously had to retreat from, and some new super-giant giant spiders and flying ant things sent out as a last resort by the Ravagers. And lots, and lots, of things to kill at once. Fahsands, in fact. And I’m up to level 52. Just this and the next level remain. EDF! EDF! Or something.

Earth Defense Force 2017 (360)

Yet more giant ant/spider/robot destruction today. Considering how repetitive the game sounds, it’s amazing how different each level can be. In one, you’ll be in narrow caves full of ants and a flamethrower is a must, and then the next, you’ll be in a city shooting down UFOs whilst avoiding spiders on the ground. It’s really rather addictive. So much so, in fact, that I’m now up to Level 40 after some extended play this evening.

Earth Defense Force 2017 (360)

Aha! Killed them! It seems that rockets are mostly a waste of time on the Hectors, as rifle fire can actually stop them charging their lasers. The upshot of that was me getting past that level. I had a level full of red ants at the beach then, which was easy. I actually completed the level three times as the armour drops were plentiful and I made use of them. Then, more ant/red ant/spiders in the city with nests to …

Earth Defense Force 2017 (360)

SPIDERS! Big spiders that hop and fire webs! And go splat when you shoot them! And then! A HUGE walking spaceship thing. And I mean HUGE. It has to be the biggest moving thing I’ve seen in any game ever. The graphics, especially in terms of how much is going on at once, are waaay better than I previously thought. No wonder my character looks crap and the buildings are bland when there are ninezwelftyten thousand hunter killers and Hectors …

Earth Defense Force 2017 (360)

Since it was my birthday a month ago, I got this from my brother today. Bless. And… it’s good. Virtually every level is “kill giant ants!”, and the graphics, animation, voice acting, sound effects, music and slowdown are all horrific. But it doesn’t seem to matter. As well as kill lots of giant ants, I’ve killed some Hunter Killers, seemingly stolen from Terminator, some ant-carrying UFOs, and more ants. I’m only on level 9 or so, but have spent almost …