All sorts of things (Wii)

I’ve been playing quite a few different things on my Wii today: CubelloI’m up to level 6 (although I’ve not done all of the lettered variants on previous levels) now, and although I can get it down to just a few blocks each time, I can’t complete it. It gives me too few of each colour, and insists on giving me colours I’ve already removed all of, which is annoying. It seems I can only do it if I fluke …

Pit Crew Panic! (Wii)

I think this video I made more than explains the game: If it doesn’t, then I don’t know what more I can say. I am, however, more than a little confused as to why there are just 6 different things to fix, when the trailers show way more. You seem to accumulate “cog points” (or something), but I can’t find a use for them. I thought perhaps they’d unlock stages, but no. Two player versus (“Abnormal”) mode is quite good …