Sketch, Share, Solve (Playdate): COMPLETED!

What is this? A Playdate game? That I purchased? With actual money? Is that even legal? It seems so! Sketch, Share, Solve is a Picross game, and a $3 Picross game at that. It also has mostly the same (correct) controls as the Jupiter-written 3DS and Switch Picross games, which is good as that’s the only way to play them as far as I’m concerned. As it’s on the Playdate, it’s all in black and white and the size of …

Reel Steal (Playdate): COMPLETED!

I may have been neglecting my Playdate of late. Mainly because it’s hard to see the screen when it isn’t sunny. However, Panic released a big update this week with a new on-device store and a couple more free games, so I had a look. And then ended up completing this. It’s a fishing game (hence “Reel”) where you ride a hook down into a building, winching up and down with the crank, whilst avoiding magnets, lasers and drones. You …

Casual Birder (Playdate): COMPLETED!

Yes, I have a Playdate! Finally! And yes, this is the first game I’ve completed on it! Casual Birder is a little like that Bit Orchard or Toem in a way. It’s a sort of adventure game set in a town obsessed with taking photos of birds. The aim is to take part in a bird photography competition, but of course things are made difficult in a number of ways. For starters, some of the birds are a bit shy, …