Sensible World of Soccer (360)

I don’t know why I returned to this today, but I did. No online play, however, for two reasons: 1) they haven’t patched it yet, so I would assume it’s as crap and impossible to play as it was previously, and 2) no-one is playing online any more, presumably because of point 1. So I played lots of friendlies offline, won a lot (playing as Parma), then completed a few leagues coaching “London Reds”, eventually winning the Premier League. Aces!

Sensible World of Soccer (360)

Things have not improved overnight with regards to online play. Which is a shame. Once again couldn’t finish any online matches as they all froze part way though. Some guy I was playing sent me a message to say it’s been happening to him all day too, so it isn’t just me. Did play some single player games though, and also played through a whole season of the Premier League managing “Manchester Reds”, who you’d have thought would have been …

Sensible World of Soccer (360)

Yay! I bought it and it’s ace and just like SWOS ever was and brilliant and everything! But! There are problems. Which is a shame. Firstly, the 360 pad just isn’t right for this game. You need proper 8-way digital control, and the stick can’t provide that, and the d-pad is (as always) in the wrong place. This isn’t a huge issue, but I can’t help feeling I’d be playing better if I had a proper controller. Far more serious …

Sensible Soccer 2006 (Xbox)

The other game was this. And I’m not really sure what to make of it. On one hand, it’s really trying to be a new Sensible Soccer. On the other, it just seems wrong. Where it works: simple controls, similar pace of game, same menus, same game “feel”. Where it doesn’t: camera angle is wrong. Two buttons? Wrong. No widescreen, borders top and bottom too. 3D players don’t fit. It isn’t a bad game, by any means, it just isn’t …