deKay's Lofi Gaming

Manhunt: MANAGED!

Had a few hours play on this today, and, although the storyline improved from pointless killing to killing for a reason, the mechanics of the game didn’t, really. There was some killing in a factory, then some killing in a lunatic asylum, then some killing in a prison, then some killing outside a prison. Then, killing in a street, killing in an apartment, killing on the Subway, killing on a railway sidings, then some killing in a big mansion. Then …


Well, after the zoo (which, like every other level, was abandoned bar the baddies), it was time for a Mall. Which, was abandoned. And it was pretty pants too, searching for a video tape, then a camcorder to watch it on, then a TV to connect to it ‘cos it was broken, then the power switch to turn the electricity supply on… Then we got to see some member of Cash’s family murdered, and he smashes up the TV. Great. …


More of the same, it seems. They’d captured my family and tied them up in a zoo, so I had to rescue them. If I was seen, they’d be killed. Things were made somewhat easier by the use of a tranquiliser gun I “found”, which allowed me to drop baddies from a distance before walking up, loud as I liked, and butchering them as they slept. Yes, it is a lovely game.


Hmm. I’m getting the impression that Manhunt is actually a bit pants. More than a bit pants, in fact. Once you get past the SUPARBESTness of being able to bat a thug’s head clean off, it all boils down to a poorly controlled stealth game. Not the sort of game I like, either. Highlights today were the (two) magnetic crane sections, where you had to drop a freezer on some baddies, and the surprise-the-thug-on-the-toilet bit, where you chuck a brick …


I’d played this last almost exactly a year ago (7th August 2004, according to the saved game), and spotted it on my shelf when looking for something new to play. I’d left off just after the second level – “Doorway into Hell”, so continued from there. My stealth skills have suffered. Severely. I managed to work my way though to “White Trash” (level 4) by startling every single thug along the way and gaining no “proper” kills whatsoever. It doesn’t …

Red Dead Redemption (360)

Er, so Henry Hatsworth got too hard. The Captain Boss and his nurse are impossible. I’ve put it to one side (code for “probably never play again”) and started something new. Or old, but new to me. Now, I hate westerns. And I hate cowboys. And I even hated Sunset Riders which lots of people think is ace. But I love (at least, I do now – didn’t like it at first) GTA IV and this is, pretty much, a …

Completed 2005

Pikmin 2(GC 12/01/2005) Zoo Keeper(DS 29/01/2005) Paper Mario 2(GC 30/01/2005) Leisure Suit Larry: Magna Cum Laude(Xbox 07/02/2005) Sonic Adventure DX(GC 09/02/2005) Fable(Xbox 17/02/2005) Mr Driller: Drill Spirits(DS 17/02/2005) Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap(GBA 21/02/2005) Ribbit King(GC 27/02/2005) Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas(PS2 06/03/2005) Gitaroo Man(PS2 12/03/2005) Broken Sword: The Sleeping Dragon(Xbox 19/03/2005) Yoshi Touch & Go(DS 27/03/2005) Mario Golf: Advance Tour(GBA 28/03/2005) Metroid Fusion(GBA 08/04/2005) Bubble Bobble: Old & New(GBA 15/04/2005) Broken Sword: The Shadow of the Templars(GBA 18/04/2005) …

Half-Life 2 (360)

Played loads of this today, and finished the whole buggy section. It took longer than was probably necessary as I stopped at every junction, house and building to see what was inside – usually ammo I didn’t need and baddies I certainly didn’t need. The buggy section, like the airboat bit before it, seemed to go on far too long. It was more fun than the airboat bit, and you actually felt like you were getting somewhere in it (whereas …

Too many games!

It’s that time of year again. Well, actually, it’s not, which is the problem. Traditionally, there’s slim pickings for new games around this time of year. The busiest times for releasing new titles (especially big titles) is normally around Christmas and often over Easter too, but the July-October period is like release death in the UK. Except this year. As well having Bioshock released this week already, there’s fahsands more out between now and the end of November. Before the …

Condemned (Demo) (360)

It’s dark and it’s scary and it’s by Sega. The first two don’t really go with the third one, do they? It’s pretty impressive, with all the lighting effects and stuff, but the evidence collections seems a little shallow and the police going “oh, we’ll just be popping out of this fire escape, be a good chap and wander round in the dark, will you?” was a bit of a crap plot device, but overall it was good. It reminds …