Fillum review: Independance Day (1996)

Fillum review: Independance Day (1996)

Big budget, big names, some amazing effects and quite clearly epic in almost every way. However, it’s also mostly brainless, has the more ridiculous “win” plot ever, and Brent Spiner’s character dies despite him being the best one in the film.

Things that made me ill:

  1. The first lady somehow survives (for a bit)
  2. The dog somehow survives
  3. Will Smith’s cigar “tradition”
  4. The drunken hick who flies into the ship killing himself

And other bits. And can Jeff Goldblum play any character in a film other than some slightly strange scientist?

Oh, and all the “drops” in the early part of the film ending up as major story elements. For example, the president used to be a fighter pilot, then oh look! He’s needed to fly a fighter plane. And Jeff gets air sick and oh look! He has to fly on board the alien ship into space! And so on.

However, somehow, all the rubbish bits of the film came together to create something actually very good.

Verdict: 4/5


  1. I always quite enjoyed this but in a “easy watching” kind of a way

    It always cracks me up how Jeff Goldblum is able to hack into a computer system of unknown origin designed by an advanced civilisation so easily using just a laptop

    Maybe that’s the geek in me being picky though

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