Imprisoned for a crime I didn’t commit

Imprisoned for a crime I didn’t commit

I found myself imprisoned at work today.

It’s the holidays, so very few people are in anyway. A guy from BT was coming in to do some work on our internet connection, so I had to go and meet him at the front door as none of the receptionists were in. Fairly recently, they installed a security door behind the main door, so there’s a sort of porchway now. I opened the security door (there’s a push button release on the inside) and went to open the front door.

It was locked.

So I turned round to go back out through the security door, only it had shut closed. Thankfully, there’s a thumbprint electronic lock system so you can get back in (assuming you’re staff, anyway).

Only the computer had crashed. The display on the lock said “Loading….”. Using my thumb did nothing. The buttons did nothing. The alarm button did nothing. The doorbell rang a phone at reception… which was unmanned. I was stuck.

But! I had the caretaker’s mobile number in my mobile. Phew! Only… I’d left my phone on my desk.

Trapped! With nobody around! On a Friday! I thought I would be there, unnoticed, until Monday morning!

But, thankfully, I managed to force the front door open from the inside, thanks to the way the double doors could be pushed apart once the deadbolts were unhooked. Disaster averted!


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