It’s Monday! So that means it’s PWBE (no, not Pop Will Beat Eatself) Day!
Hmm. Much the same as last week, it seems. Only with less Batman. And more pigeons.
Lego Jurassic World (PS4)
Still working through it. 70%-odd complete now. I wrote a little about it here.
Puzzle & Dragons Z (3DS)
Grind grind grind grind grind grind grind grind grind grind grind grind grind grind grind grind grind grind grind grind grind. But I’m enjoying it. Really must get it done though, as it’s holding up other games!
Grim Fandango Remastered (PS4/Vita)
To free up the TV, I utilised cross-save and cross-play to progress some more on my Vita. Sadly, it’s horribly jerky, and seems to have even more bugs than the PS4 version with sound cutting out. The crane section in particular crashed twice, once killing the game, the other not registering button presses. Annoying. It is completed now, and you can read my thoughts on my gaming diary.
Super Mario Maker (Wii U)
Mainly playing this with my daughter. I say playing. She creates impossible random levels which I attempt to complete while she squeals with laughter every time I die. If I do complete it, she then makes it harder. Pretty sure this is a form of torture.
Thomas Was Alone: Benjamin’s Flight (Vita)
Bought a while back, completed quickly. The end was abrupt. Fun though. More here.
Hatoful Boyfriend (Vita)
Only just started this. What the hell. It’s over already?
Lego Marvel Avengers (PS4)
Still, obviously. Because I haven’t bought it yet.
Firewatch (PS4)
I think. I wanted it a long time ago and it’s out soon. I’ve heard very little in the meantime so don’t know any more. Maybe?
Nothing! I’ve been very good this week. Although I nearly bought one of these.