(This batch of… are they even questions? Well, they come from @JayTay)
Hats, the weather, are dogs better than ostriches?, jam, why ask Jeeves is better than Google, FarmVille, jam again.
Erm, OK. I’ll see what I can do. I will probably come back to the others another time but for now:
For a long time, I wasn’t able to wear hats. They made my head itch and were uncomfortable. As a child, I was in Church Lads and Church Girls Brigade, which was sort of like scouts but more, er, churchy, and I’ve never met anyone else who has ever even heard of them. As part of the uniform we had to wear a field cap, not unlike a Side Cap which never sat right on my head and when we went on marches it would fall off.
Since then, apart from fancy dress purposes, I’d not worn a hat until just a few years ago when I had to purchase one to keep my head warm when waiting for buses. It’s a simple black beanie thing.
I’d very much like to be able to wear a wide-brimmed Terry Pratchett style hat, as they’re cool. But they don’t really suit me.
Oh, and I wear a bike hat, commonly known as a “helmet”, of course.
Bonus hat facts!
- The head was invented before the hat.
- In the wild, hats live in disused fox holes.
- It is not possible to wear more than seven hats at once.
- Famous hat wearers Will I Am and Pharrell Williams are actually allergic to hats.
- There are no green hats. Hats that appear to be green are actually blue – your eyes trick you into thinking they’re green.
- A chicken wore a hat once.
(Featured image is actually a photo I took, but I can’t remember where I saw it.)
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