January 9th, 2017 January 9th, 2017 Just a small update. I’ve now got a moving basket, and cats and dogs that fall in different directions and speeds. I think I know what’s going to happen next. MastodonTwitterTumblrRedditPocketMoreEmailFacebookLinkedInPrint Related
Save the pooches, let the felines fall to an unknown doom? (Hey, they always land on their feet, right? They’ll be fine…) Loading... Duncan Snowden January 10th, 2017 at 15:51 8 years ago Reply
Yeah, that’s what I’m thinking right now. Seems wrong to save dogs though. Stupid dogs. Loading... deKay January 10th, 2017 at 16:08 8 years ago Reply
Save the pooches, let the felines fall to an unknown doom? (Hey, they always land on their feet, right? They’ll be fine…)
Yeah, that’s what I’m thinking right now. Seems wrong to save dogs though. Stupid dogs.