The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom (Switch): COMPLETED!

The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom (Switch): COMPLETED!

Finally a Zelda game where you play as Zelda! Aside from HYRULE WARRIORS of course, but that isn’t exclusively you playing as Zelda. Yes, a game using what appears to be the same engine as the remake of Link’s Awakening did a few years ago, only this time you’re Zelda and you don’t really fight anything because you have a magic wand and can use it to summon items and creatures you have previously scanned with it. Yes – it’s The Legend of Zelda (Actually Zelda This Time): The Magic 3D Printer!

Except it isn’t all Zelda, is it. Because not only do you start the game playing as Link, but at any point you like you can turn into a sort of clone of Link for a limited time. Cop-out, innit. Luckily, the first bit as Link is only very short (he’s soon captured and you have to save him), and the Link Clone is used at your behest for the most part so can be (and was) ignored almost entirely. At least, until you find some of the bosses are only able to be damaged when you’re in Link form. Boo.

But, it doesn’t really matter too much. As with other non-Zelda-based Zelda games, it’s mainly about the puzzles and the cloning wand makes some of the traditional ones (such as “hit the switch from a distance” or “press these two buttons at the same time” take on a different dimension when you can throw bats about or drop a bed on stuff.

As it’s all in the graphical style of Link’s (Re)Awakening it all looks lovely too which that tilt shift-like thing going on and everything looking like a little toy in a giant diorama. It isn’t very difficult, especially once you discover that you the beds you generate can be used to nap in to regain hearts, but it is very lovely and enjoyable. The fact the overworld is pretty much all unlocked from the get-go is nice too, as you get the option of which order you complete the “dungeons” and can – with judicious use of various cloneables – climb onto and over pretty much everything so exploring is fun. And essential if you want all the extra hearts.

Perhaps not the best Zelda game, but certainly the best Zelda Zelda game and it’s fun to play and has lots of silly characters and quests to keep you entertained.

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