DS sales top 2m in UK

Well, those of us in the know, already knew that the DS was steaming ahead of the PSP in terms of sales, but Eurogamer provides the proof. It’s outselling 2.5 to 1, it seems. Gosh. I could go into the reasons why, but that would just cause fights. DS sales top 2m in UK

Surname Musings

As part of my job as a systems manager, I’m often looking at long lists of names of people who are on the network. When I originally set the network up, I decided to put half the 1300+ users on one server, and half on the other, to reduce the load and stuff. My criteria on how the split was to be done was by surname. And so it came to pass that surnames A-M are on one server, and …

Blogger Beta: So what’s new?

Well, I finally upgraded to Blogger Beta today, which will affect parts of this site. In fact, I hope it won’t affect parts of the site, as Blogger seemed to suggest it would be OK. I’m slightly concerned about my custom template breaking things though. My main reason for jumping to the beta was I wanted to use tags for my posts. Actually, Blogger calls them “labels”, probably due to having already defined “tags” as things you stick in your …

Let the Tony Hawk worship begin!

Tony Hawk’s Project 8 for the Xbox 360 is here! I go months and months without a Hawk fix (since I’ve completed every other Tony Hawk game), and then I get Downhill Jam for the DS last week, and now this. It always amuses me when I get 360 games from Play Asia, as you never know which region you’re going to get. This one is Australian!

Viva Pinata: Giving children nightmares

If you’ve been reading my gaming diary, you’ll know I got a copy of Viva Pinata for the Xbox 360 this week. It’s the same sort of game as Animal Crossing and Harvest Moon, and is written by Rare. It’s also very cute. There’s a TV cartoon series to match too, so it’s clearly mainly aimed at kids. Which is why I bought it, obviously, since I am a child. Or not. Anyway. It’s very child-friendly for the most part. …

What you need to train as a MCDST

Whilst browsing the Home Learning College website, looking for training courses, I found one for a “Microsoft¬¨?Ü Certified Desktop Support Technician”. OK, so it’s not what I’m looking for, but the thing that struck me about the course was the machine the guy in the picture was using. It’s a MacBook. Certified Desktop Support Technician Course

Phoenix Wright 2 Hilarity

The original Phoenix Wright was funny. Really funny. Especially Sal Manella the film director. He hasn’t made an appearance (yet, at least) in the sequel, but today I came across Moe the clown, in Case 3. (picture nicked from here) And that’s not all… “In 1972 a crack clown unit was sent to prison by a clown court for a crime they didn’t commit. These clowns promptly escaped from a maximum security clown car…” Amazing scenes.

Nikon punishes Cuban boy for Castro

Apparently, some 12 year old Cuban kid can’t get his prize in a competition because the camera contains parts embargoed by the US. The US drew up the list in 1962 during the Cuban missile crisis. Apparently it is very worried about 12 year olds getting their paws on digital cameras in case they disassemble it and build a nuclear missile. Amazing. Nikon punishes Cuban boy for Castro