New Laptop PSU Designs

I ordered two generic laptop PSUs from CPC last week. Staff at work have a tendency to misplace their own power supplies, so we keep a stock of multi-purpose ones. It seems that they didn’t have any of the model I ordered in stock, and on the packing sheet said they had replaced it for a direct equivalent. The direct equivalent for a laptop power supply being this:

Commodore 64 PDA

OK, so I’m not a fan of the C64 (Spectrums FTW and all that), but this looks most ace. Jason Winters has taken one of them C64-in-a-controller things, added a mini keyboard from a PDA and a screen from a PSone, and bolted them all together to make a mini C64 compatible laptop, complete with joystick port and SD card slot for loading software. Jason Winters’ Pico-Projects: The Picodore 64 – a Commodore 64 PDA

New Year, and stuff

And so begins 2007. I’m not the sort of person who makes resolutions, for several reasons. Firstly because too many resolutions are simply not going to be kept. You say you’ll do it, and you don’t. Secondly, why start a new year in order to give something up or start something new? If you want to stop smoking, just stop. Or try and stop, anyway. Don’t wait until New Year to make a start. Finally, there’s nothing I want to …

The art of ignoring video games

If you know me, or if you read this blog, or monitor my Usenet and forum posts, then you’ll know I buy a lot of games. Like, loads. I play a lot too: most days I put in an hour or so, longer at the weekend. This may appear to be a very long time to non-gamers, but you have to consider how much time I don’t spend watching TV, which is far more passive and couch potatoey. One look …