deKay's Lofi Gaming

Carcassonne (360)

I started off with a ranked match against someone whose gamertag had far too many numbers in, and was losing for most of it. Then I picked up a bit, and had figured that one of my farms was going to completely obliterate his score in the end. Sadly, that didn’t happen – he must have had another follower somewhere and so we both got farm castle bonuses. It was close though, he won 97-95. I then played quite a …

Carcassonne (360)

So I stupidly decided to play this with my wife. She was concerned that because I’d played it already, and she thought it was horribly confusing to play, that she’d have no hope of winning at all. It didn’t really surprise me that she won the first game. After all, I wasn’t being as evil with castle/road blocking as I could have been, suggested better moves than ones she was contemplating, and generally just concentrated on her moves rather than …

Carcassonne (360)

As expected, I bought some more points and unlocked the full version. Played a game against the computer, and lost horribly as I didn’t seem to have a strategy for placing my followers in sensible places, as so all were pretty useless. I then played online against “Richrad Live“, who thrashed me for the first half of the game, then I almost caught him up, then near the end he broke free by miles again, but in the end-of-game points …

Carcassonne (Demo) (360)

It’s a boardgame. And, after playing the tutorial, it all seems horribly confusing. However, after playing one game proper, it has clicked and is actually very simple. And very good it is too, so I suspect I’ll be buying this tomorrow. I just need some more points as I spent the last of them on Missile Command…

That Rev Chap, a year on

A year ago today, one of the few people I know online who I could call a proper actual friend, died suddenly. I won’t go into it all, as I’ve written everything before, but I wanted to mark it in some way. I’m still sad he’s gone. Something about the online fora I frequent, and Twitter, has changed a little. They’re not the same. Sure, he was just one of many in those places, but he’s one who made an …

Stuff wot I are bin playing

I’ve not posted in a while, aside from to mention Yakuza 3 and Old World Blues, but I have still been playing games. Here’s a round-up of what’s been going down over the last few weeks: Professor Layton and the Lost Future (DS) I actually completed this at the start of the year, but as I did with the previous two games once the story was done I left the remaining puzzles until near the release of the following game. …

The 2010 Gaming Expenditure Horror

I’ve been tracking which games I play, on my Gaming Diary, for 6 years now. It’s helped me realise how many different games I play, and how many I complete. This year, however, I’ve additionally started tracking the games I buy, and how much I paid for them – the aim being to scare myself into how much I spend on gaming. Thing is, just knowing that it’s logged has actually made me more frugal with my spending. Not only …

There are no words, only pictures

There are few people on the internet I’d consider a friend. You know, like a “proper” friend, like you’d have offline. One was Owen Allaway, also known variously as username takeup would allow, as The Rev and That Rev Chap. He’d been a part of pretty much every online community I frequent for more than 10 years, and I’d played happy fun blue sky games like Animal Crossing and Viva Pinata online with him and his wife more times than …

Another Code:R (Wii): COMPLETED!

It’s the only thing I’ve played since my last post (well, aside from the usual iPhone trio of Words with Friends, Carcassonne, and THPS2), and somehow over the weekend and today I plugged enough hours into it in order to finish it last night.  I was convinced there was only an hour or two left, so started at 8:30 this evening and – well – it was almost midnight when I’d read the end credits. As with CiNG’s other titles …

Ticket to Ride (360)

I played the demo, and instantly warmed to it. In the same way Catan and Carcassonne have both been ace. So I had to buy it! And then promptly lost to the computer. It would appear the AI improves once you’ve bought the game. The demo is a lie!

2007: A Year in Gaming – Part 2

May May was more varied than previous months this year.¬¨‚Ć There was Eledees and Wing Island on the Wii, Crackdown, Lego Star Wars II and Tony Hawk’s American Wasteland on the 360, and the amazing Ouendan 2 on the DS, as well a plethora of 360 demos, XBLA games, and Wii VC titles. I struggled with the original NES Castlevania (on the VC) for a while too, and never did manage to complete it.¬¨‚Ć It’s just too hard! June Oh …

Mario Party 8 (Wii)

This arrived today, and my wife and I played one game on it this evening. A game that took an hour and a half! That’s a bit of a stretch compared to our usual games of Carcassonne and Puzzle Fighter. We played the “Goomba’s Booty Boardwalk” course over 15 turns, and, of course, I won. However, I only won because of the outcome of the final turn, which could have caused any of three of us to win.

Canis Canem Edit (PS2)

Yes. It really has been over a month since I last played this. But, well, Forza 2 happened, and Carcassonne happened, and Retro Week happened and so on… But anyway. So I’ve progressed in Art, Chemistry, English and Gym quite a bit. I’ve got a skateboard, helped a freaky hobo, taken part in some Halloween pranks, beaten lots of people up, raided a locker in the girl’s changing rooms, protected some nerds, and assorted other things. Still not happy with …