deKay's Lofi Gaming

Why Sega should just give up and die

When I got my Megadrive in the early 1990s, it was for one single game – Sonic the Hedgehog. I’d played it often at the local game shop, and didn’t just want it, I needed it. Once I had my own Sega console to play it on, I was hooked on Sega games. In fact, for a good decade or so, I loved pretty much all of Sega’s major-title output – I suppose I was a Sega Fanboy (although Mario …

In defence of the Wii

Nintendo’s Wii gets a bit of a hard time on gaming forums and newsgroups. In the eyes of many, it’s still a console for kids and/or old people. If you enjoy playing Wii games, the 360 and PS3 owners sneer at you as if you can’t afford a “proper” console (even though the 360 is cheaper!). They wonder how you can possibly like playing games with “last gen graphics” and “tacked on waggle”. What they’re not realising, is that graphics …

Fallout 3 (360)

Two days of play in one handy diary entry. Hurrah! I was heading for Rivet City, at first through the Metro, then overland along the river. Found a house where a drunk called Dukov lived with his two lady friends, and considered killing him, but decided against it. Found loads of bandits and super mutants on the way down the riverside, as well as some centaurs, who are like squid-faced man-crabs that spit actual crap at you. Nice action! Eventually …

Weekly Round Up

I’ve been a bit busy this week so haven’t had time to fill in my diary. So here’s a brief rundown of what I’ve been playing: Me and My Katamari (PSP)It’s been this for most of the week. It is good and all, but I’m finding it a bit limiting. There are so few locations in the game (even fewer than the 360 version, in fact) that almost every level is a repeat of the last, with a different – …

Animal Crossing: Wild World (DS)

Turnippage! Spent around half a million bells on turnips, at 90 bells each. Once again, I’ve left them all round Cheese, mainly outside my house and on the path near Nook’s. Many of my animals were in bed, so I couldn’t talk to them, but those who were not were complimented by me as it is Yay Day today. Compliments consisted of “j00 r0XX0r!”, “Burgermoo!” and “I wish you dead” amongst other things.

The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion (360)

Played for quite some time today. Spent a while wandering round, and went to Bruma and bought some new spells. Also bought some new armour, and then enchanted it. I have 85% shield at all times now, as well as a 20HP health bonus! Aces. That was enough time to get Traven talking again, and he asked me to go to Bruma to check up on the guild there as he’d not heard from them in a few days. I …

The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion (360)

Started off with a few “housekeeping” tasks – emptying my pockets and putting stuff in my house. I then went round a few towns trying to find somewhere that’ll buy a bit of jewellry that I have, but since it’s worth 6,000 gold, and no-one will offer me more than 1,200, I gave up. Decided then to do the Frostfire Glade quest, which involved walking to a cave north og the Imperial City, wandering through it, and then finding an …

The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion (360)

With Sean, uh, Martin found, it was time to head back to Weynon Priory to see Jauffre. Off we set then, on the long, long road back, via Skingrad and past the Imperial City. The trip took the best part of an hour (real time), and was pretty uneventful. The few things that attacked me were quickly dispatched by Sharpe Martin before I even had a chance to draw my sword. Eventually, I reached Skingrad (where I made a load …